III.A.2.N.i. Saturated temperate broad-leaved evergreen shrubland
III. Shrubland
III.A.2.N.i.3 Titi - Big Gallberry - (Black Titi) Saturated Shrubland Alliance (A.802)
Alliance Concept
Summary: This alliance consists of evergreen shrublands of the southeastern Coastal Plain (Atlantic Coastal Plain, East and West Gulf coastal plains, and occasionally adjacent provinces). Cyrilla racemiflora, Ilex coriacea, and (within its range) Cliftonia monophylla are characteristic. Other characteristic shrubs (although some are absent in portions of the alliance's distribution) include Ilex glabra, Ilex myrtifolia, Lindera subcoriacea, Lyonia lucida, Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera), Morella caroliniensis (= Myrica heterophylla), Morella inodora (= Myrica inodora), Persea palustris, Smilax laurifolia, Alnus serrulata, Toxicodendron vernix, and Vaccinium formosum. In some situations, stunted Magnolia virginiana may be a component; emergent Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and/or Taxodium ascendens may be present. Communities in this alliance occur in poorly drained flats in the Outer Coastal Plain, along lake- or pondshores, where the water table is maintained in at least a seasonally saturated condition by the water body, and in seepages in rolling hill landscapes of the Coastal Plain (often associated with and adjacent to herbaceous seepage bogs). Some types occur over peats or other sapric soil types. Occurrences expand or contract in size under different fire regimes.
Bog, in part (FNAI 1992a)
Seepage Slope, in part (FNAI 1992a)
Seepage Slope, Pinckneya Bog subtype (FNAI 1992b)
Carolina bay/Okefenokee swamp shrub/scrub vegetation. ? (Ambrose 1990a)
Natural Lake Shoreline, in part (Schafale and Weakley 1990)
Scrub/Shrub Swamp, in part (Smith 1996a)
Seepage Slope Shrub Thicket, in part (Smith 1996a)
High Pocosin (Wieland 1994b)
Low Pocosin (Wieland 1994b)
Sweetbay - Swamp Tupelo / Osmunda Loamy Wet Forested Seeps, in part (Turner et al. 1999)
Shrub Bog, in part (Wharton 1978)
Alliance Distribution
Range: This alliance consists of evergreen shrublands of the southeastern coastal plain (Atlantic Coastal Plain, East and West Gulf coastal plains, and occasionally adjacent provinces). It is found in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas.
USFS Ecoregions: 231E:C, 232B:C, 232C:C, 232D:C, 232E:P, 232F:C
Federal Lands: DOD (Eglin, Fort Benning, Fort Gordon, Fort Stewart); USFS (Angelina, Apalachicola, Conecuh, Croatan, De Soto, Francis Marion, Kisatchie, Sabine, Sam Houston?); USFWS (Okefenokee)
Alliance Sources
References: Ambrose 1990a, FNAI 1992a, FNAI 1992b, Schafale and Weakley 1990, Smith 1996a, Turner et al. 1999, Wharton 1978, Wieland 1994b
III.A.2.N.j. Saturated temperate broad-leaved evergreen shrubland with a sparse needle-leaved or mixed evergreen tree layer
III. Shrubland
III.A.2.N.j.2 Shining Fetterbush - Little Gallberry Saturated Wooded Shrubland Alliance (A.805)
Alliance Concept
Summary: This alliance encompasses pocosins on saturated mineral or organic soils. This is the typical high pocosin or tall pocosin of peatlands and wet mineral soils of the Coastal Plain of the Carolinas and Virginia; its range extends south to Georgia and northern Florida. Pinus serotina individuals are scattered and more-or-less stunted. Typical shrubs, forming a dense tangle with abundant Smilax laurifolia, are Lyonia lucida, Ilex glabra, Ilex coriacea, Persea palustris, Cyrilla racemiflora (absent in occurrences at the northern limit of the range in southeastern Virginia), and sometimes Kalmia carolina. Other component shrubs can include Clethra alnifolia, Vaccinium formosum, Gaylussacia frondosa (= var. frondosa), Kalmia cuneata, Photinia pyrifolia (= Aronia arbutifolia), Chamaecyparis thyoides, Acer rubrum var. trilobum, Morella cerifera (= Myrica cerifera var. cerifera), Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora, Magnolia virginiana, Rhus copallinum, Rhododendron viscosum, and Toxicodendron radicans.
IIC1b. High Pocosin, in part (Allard 1990)
High Pocosin, in part (Schafale and Weakley 1990)
Comments: Some stands from the Fall-line Sandhills of Fort Benning, Georgia (East Gulf Coastal Plain), at or near the local northernmost edge of the distribution of Pinus serotina are placed here. The polygons that have been referred here (A.805) have dense evergreen shrubs (mostly Ilex glabra and Ilex coriacea) with some Arundinaria gigantea. They also have dense Smilax spp. (M. Mulligan pers. comm. 2001). More information is needed on these stands in order to determine if they are placed correctly in this alliance, and if they warrant a separate association (MP 2001-04-12).
Alliance Distribution
Range: This alliance is found in the Coastal Plain of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
States: FL GA NC SC VA
USFS Ecoregions: 232B:C, 232C:C
Federal Lands: DOD (Camp Lejeune, Dare County Bombing Range, Fort Benning); USFS (Apalachicola, Croatan, Osceola); USFWS (Alligator River, Great Dismal Swamp, Okefenokee Swamp, Pocosin Lakes)
Alliance Sources
References: Allard 1990, Christensen 1979, Fleming 1998, Kologiski 1977, Schafale and Weakley 1990, Sharitz and Gibbons 1982, Wharton 1978
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