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ENG223 Discourse Analysis
3.2.1 Personal Reference
This is defined by its function in the speech situation
The girls just returned from the party. They are all very tired.

My father is a consultant to many oil companies in Nigeria. He will be
returning from Denmark where he went to represent one of his clients.
Bola just came back from the youth camp. I saw her yesterday.
The Personal References are they in 3.4; he and his in 3.5; I and her in 3.6.
3.2.2 Demonstrative Reference
This is reference by means of location. The writer or speaker locates this kind of reference along a scale of proximity defined in terms of selective participation and circumstances that define the textual occasion (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 37). Examples are

3.7.Leave the book on the table and come here

3.8. Please bring the red apples. Those are my favourite.

3.9.He said something just before we left his office. That I can’t remember.

The Demonstrative References are her in 3.7; those in 3.8 and that in 3.9.
3.2.3 Comparative Reference
This is a form of indirect reference that is established by means of identity. Examples are
3.10 I love those oranges. Can I have more.

3.11. The little cats are very playful. But one is not as playful as others.
3.12.You have taken enough apples. Other people will also need some. The Comparative References are more in 3.10; one and others in 3.11; some in 3.12.
Halliday and Hasan emphasize the uniqueness of reference by pointing out that What distinguishes reference from other types of cohesion is that it is overwhelmingly nominal in character. With the exception of demonstratives and some comparative adverbs, all reference items are found within the nominal group. (p. 43)

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