National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

Objective Three To reduce the incidence and prevalence of STI and HIV

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017

Objective Three To reduce the incidence and prevalence of STI and HIV.

Policy Statement: All the population in need should receive correct information, be tested and treated for Sexually Transmitted Infection (including HIV) as per national approved standard guideline.
Increase the proportion of pregnant women and partners who are screened and treated for HIV and syphilis Increase awareness and information to the community on prevention of STI and HIV transmission Increase the proportion of people, including adolescents, who have access to accurate and comprehensive STI information and services Ensure pre-service and in-service competency based training on management of STIs and HIV for sexual and reproductive healthcare providers Establish at least one PPTCT centre in each district of the country
9 Chapter Three Policies and Strategies
Chapter Three Policies and Strategies

National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Sexual Reproductive Policy
National Department of Health
National Department of Health

June 2014

National Department of Health10
Male participation

There is a low level of male participation in promoting positive attitude and behaviour and SRH services for men are very limited, usually concentrated to STIs and HIV/AIDS.
Community participation

Communities are not well informed on matters concerning their health and thus cannot take ownership of the decision making process.
Cancer of cervix
There are no updated national statistics relating to cancers of the reproductive system. In 1982 at the National Health Symposium Dr Mola reported that cervical cancer was reported to be 15 percent of all female cancer and 62 percent of all the gynaecological cancers. Seventeen years later in the very same Symposium the cervical cancer counted for 48 percent of all cancers in female. Evidence exists not only on the increasing incidence of the cancer of the cervix but of its occurrence in a much younger age group. With increasing life expectancy the reproductive cancers in the elderly male and female will become increasingly evident in PNG.

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