New books Issue 54 November 2016

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Welsh adult fiction

Bianchi, Tony. Dwy farwolaeth Endaf Rowlands. 2015. Literary fiction. TB22932.

Stori yw hon am beiriannau golchi diffygiol, am hen felin yng Nghaerdydd a'i phileri haearn, am gôt y diweddar Eric Morecambe ac, yn bennaf oll, am sŵn asgwrn cefn yn pydru. Gwaith arobryn y Fedal Ryddiaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Maldwyn a'r Gororau, 2015.

Read by Tom Blumberg. 5 hours 3 minutes.

Cob, Alun. Sais. 2014. General fiction. TB22004.

Nofel ddychanol, wefreiddiol a dychrynllyd, gyda hiwmor tywyll a thro syfrdanol yn ei chynffon. Beth sy'n digwydd pan mae Sais yn cael ei ladd go iawn, a hynny, efallai oherwydd bod yr awdur Alun Cob wedi ysgrifennu nofel lle mae rhywun yn lladd Saeson? Dyma stori o fewn nofel, o fewn nofel ac Alun Cob yn eich tywys ymhellach i mewn i grombil y cwlwm tywyll.

Read by Huw Charles. 4 hours 29 minutes.

Davies, Joanna. Un man. 2015. Science fiction. TB22913.

Nofel sci-fi a stori garu. Mae Erin wedi cael llond bol ar ei bywyd diflas, ei gwaith di-ddim a'i chariad difeddwl. Mae hi'n dyheu am fywyd gwell ac yna, un noson, yn ei chwsg , mae Morgan yn ymddangos. Dyn ei breuddwydion. Yn sydyn mae bywyd yn werth ei fyw ond dim ond pan mae hi'n cysgu.

Read by Rhian Jones. 5 hours 23 minutes.

Edwards, Sonia, Mynd adra'n droednoeth. 2014. General fiction. TB22005.

Nofel delynegol, gofiadwy i oedolion sy'n gofyn y cwestiwn oesol: beth yw pris gwir hapusrwydd?

Read by Sian Bassett-Roberts. 4 hours 2 minutes.

Evans, Geraint. Y gelyn cudd. 2015. Crime. TB22568.

Pedwaredd nofel dditectif yn y gyfres boblogaidd am Gareth Prior a'i dîm. Bydd y nofel yn mynd â ni i Gaerdydd ac i bencadlys MI5 yn Llundain yn dilyn diflaniad Syr Gerald oddi ar ei gwch ym Mae Aberteifi. Ond pwy yw'r gelyn go iawn?

Read by Owain Gillard. 7 hours 26 minutes.

Hughes, Sion. Llythyrau yn y llwch. 2014. General fiction. TB22006.

Nofel iasoer wedi'i selio ar stori wir sy'n datgelu tensiynau a hiliaeth adeg yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Dyma nofel gyntaf yr awdur, a ddisgrifiwyd fel 'epig o nofel' gan feirniaid Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen 2014. Yn 1942, yng nghanol yr Ail Ryfel Byd, mae pentref cysglyd Llanyborth yn deffro i olygfa ryfeddol. Mae miloedd o filwyr Americanaidd wedi ymgartrefu mewn gwersylloedd o'u cwmpas. Yn fuan daw tensiynau hiliaeth y milwyr gwyn tuag at y milwyr du i'r amlwg ac mae poblogaeth y pentref yn cael eu gorfodi i gymryd ochrau. Yng nghanol hyn mae Sali Lloyd, merch ddi -briod yn cael ei hunig blentyn ac yn ei alw'n Tomos. Yn 1985, deugain mlynedd yn diweddarach, mae Tomos Lloyd yn dychwelyd i Lanyborth i geisio datrys dirgelwch mwyaf ei fywyd...

Read by Chris Davies. 6 hours 46 minutes.

Jones, Harri Pritchard. Disgyn i'w lle. 2014. General fiction. TB21992.

Nofelig yn adrodd hanes hen ŵr heddiw, Alwyn Gwyn, a'i berthynas gyda'i rieni, yn enwedig ei dad, Joseff, a fu'n gynorthwy-ydd meddygol yn ffosydd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf.

Read by Paul Morris. 1 hour 59 minutes.

Lewis, Caryl. Y bwthyn. 2015. General fiction. TB23108.

Nofel sy'n troi o gwmpas tri chymeriad - Enoch, Isaac ac Owen. Mae'r stori'n dechrau pan mae Owen yn dod i aros mewn bwthyn ar dir fferm fynyddig. Nofel delynegol, gynnil, a byd natur yn ganolog i'r digwyddiadau, sy'n aros yn y cof.

Read by Hanna Jarman. 4 hours 51 minutes.

Lewis, Sian, Miwsig Moss Morgan. 2014 Literary fiction. TB21996.

Mae Moss Morgan, un o drigolion tref Aberberwan, yn dipyn o enigma. Mae ei benderfyniad i symud o'i gartref i fyw mewn ogof yn edrych allan ar y môr yn mynd i gael effaith pellgyrhaeddol ar fywyd un o drigolion y dref. Hon fydd Nofel y Mis Gorffennaf. Daeth y nofel arbennig hon yn agos iawn at gipio Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni. Meddai un o'r beirniaid, Nofel hudolus, gyfareddol a chyfoethog . . . dyma awdur crefftus a phrofiadol syn creu cymeriadau dwfn, amrywiol a chofiadwy. Dro ar ôl tro, parodd i mi ddal fy ngwynt oherwydd ceinder y dweud neu wreiddioldeb y delweddu.

Read by Gwenda Richards. 10 hours 36 minutes.

Lewis, Mared. Min y môr. 2012. General fiction. TB20452.

Mae'n ddiwedd haf mewn pentref glan môr, a phob dim yn ddigon tebyg i'r arfer ym mywyd Ruth - fisitors Min y Môr yn prinhau, y mab yn bymtheg oed oriog, a Cled yn dal y gannwyll iddi o hyd, er gwaetha'i pherthynas â Steve y syrffiwr. Pob dim yn debyg i'r arfer... nes daw nodyn dienw drwy ddrws Min y Môr, a chysgod o orffennol Ruth yn bygwth chwalu'r cyfan.

Read by Melangell Dolma. 6 hours 35 minutes.

Llewelyn, Haf. Mab y cychwr. 2012. Historical fiction. TB20445.

Dolgellau, 1603. Wedi blynyddoedd cythryblus mae Rhys ap Gruffydd wedi llwyddo i greu bywyd newydd tawel iddo'i hun fel cowmon y Nannau, ac mae yntau ac Wrsla, y weddw ifanc, yn deall ei gilydd. Ond mae'r drwgdeimlad rhwng teuluoedd bonheddig y Nannau a'r Llwyn eisoes wedi hawlio un bywyd diniwed. Daw'r hen fardd Siôn Phylip â newyddion o'r glannau.

Read by Melangell Dolma. 5 hours 55 minutes.

Owen, Llwyd. Heulfan. 2012. Crime. TB20454.

Nofel gyffrous gan Llwyd Owen. Yn y dyfodol agos mewn gwlad debyg iawn i'r Gymru gyfoes, mae lladron meistrolgar yn dwyn o dan drwynau crachach Gerddi Hwyan, gan gythruddo a drysu Aled Colwyn a Richard King, y ditectifs sydd ar eu trywydd. A fydd dihiryn go iawn y nofel yn cael ei haeddiant?

Read by Gwennan Evans. 7 hours 42 minutes.

Owen, Tudur. Y Sw. 2014. Humorous fiction. TB22003.

Sut mae cael eich llun ar dudalen flaen papur newydd cenedlaethol? Syml. Gadewch i Wyddel o r enw Brendan Fitzgibbon ddod â llond lori o anifeiliaid egsotic i'ch fferm. Ychwanegwch haf gwlyb ofnadwy a Saesnes wallgof, yn ogystal â pherthynas fregus eich rhieni, ac mae ganddoch chi stori werth chweil i'r 'News of The World'. Dyma sut y newidiodd fy mywyd i, a'n cornel ddistaw ni o Sir Fôn, am byth wrth i'r genedl ddod i wybod am helynt Y Sw. Mae'r nofel hon yn seiliedig ar stori wir, ond newidiwyd enwau, lleoliadau a ffeithiau i amddiffyn y diniwed. Ni chafodd unrhyw anifail ei niweidio yn sgil ysgrifennu'r stori yma. Er mai ffuglen yw'r stori, a nifer o'r cymeriadau a'r sefyllfaoedd yn rai dychmygol, mae'n seiliedig ar blentyndod yr awdur.

Read by Huw Charles. 6 hours 1 minute.

Parri, Harri. Ifan Jones a'r Fedal Gee. 2012. General fiction. TB20455.

Cyfres Porth yr Aur. Cyfrol o straeon byrion llawn hiwmor sy'n dilyn anturiaethau'r gweinidog Eilir Thomas a gweddill trigolion y dref hynod honno, Porth yr Aur.

Read by Huw Charles. 4 hours 36 minutes.

Parrott, Gwen. Cyw melyn y fall. 2012. Crime. TB20458.

Dilyniant i'r nofel boblogaidd, Gwyn eu Byd. Mae Dela Arthur yn falch o fynd ar ei gwyliau i orffwys ac ymlacio wedi helbul gaeaf caled ac anllad 1947 yn Nant-yr-eithin. Ond yn fuan wedi i Dela gyrraedd Cwm y Glo mae merch fach yn diflannu o'i chartref, ac yn ystod y chwilio deuir o hyd i dystiolaeth fod trosedd erchyll wedi'i chyflawni.

Read by Geraint Pickard. 11 hours..

Parrott, Gwen. Tra Bo Dwy: nofel Maeseifion. 2015. Crime. TB22567.

Mae Anna a'i merch, Llio, yn byw mewn fflat gyffredin ar stad ddi-nod ym Maeseifion, ond mae popeth yn newid pan ddaw'r ddwy yn dystion i lofruddiaeth sy'n effeithio ar y gymuned gyfan. Nofel dditectif newydd gan awdures Gwyn eu Byd, Cyw Melyn y Fall a Hen Blant Bach.

Read by Enid Hughes. 10 hours 25 minutes.

Roberts, Lleucu. Saith oes Efa. 2014. Short stories. TB22002.

Saith stori fer. Cefnogi Seimon mae gwraig fferm Cesel Ucha yn ei wneud o fore gwyn tan nos. Pan ddaw'r tyrfe i aflonyddu arno, mae hi'n gorfod camu i'r blaen a rhedeg y lle nes bod y storm wedi cilio. Ond un diwrnod, daw rhywbeth i darfu ar fywydau'r ddau. Gwaith arobryn y Fedal Ryddiaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Gâr, 2014.

Read by Branwen Gwyn. 3 hours 54 minutes.

Roberts, Eigra Lewis. Fel yr haul. 2014. Historical fiction. TB21999.

Nofel hanesyddol newydd gan Eigra Lewis Roberts yn portreadu chwe blynedd olaf Morfydd Llwyn Owen, cyfansoddwraig ddisglair a chantores dalentog a fu farw yn drasig o ifanc.

Read by Enid Hughes. 9 hours 6 minutes.

Steffan Ros. Manon. Llanw. 2014. General fiction. TB22007.

Mae Llanw yn byw mewn tŷ ar y traeth gyda Gorwel, ei hefaill, a'u nain. Mae chwedlau yn ffordd o fyw i'r ferch freuddwydiol hon. Ond mae'r Ail Ryfel Byd yn taflu ei gysgodion, ac mae penderfyniad Gorwel yn cael effaith andwyol ar fywyd Llanw. Nofel arall eithriadol gan awdures Blasu.

Read by Gwenda Richards. 9 hours 54 minutes.

Volunteer read

Jones, Geraint V. Ei uffern ei hun. 2005. Crime. TB405448.

Nofel afaelgar am ymchwil yr heddlu i lofruddiaeth gwraig ifanc mewn dinas yn Lloegr, a'r modd y mae'r ymholiadau'n arwain at ddatgelu hen gyfrinachau ac agor hen greithiau ym mywydau aelodau teulu'r wraig yng nghefn gwlad Maldwyn, gan nofelydd hynod brofiadol a phoblogaidd.

4 hours 43 minutes.

Adult non-fiction

Autobiography and biography

Asbridge, Thomas S. The greatest knight: the remarkable life of William Marshal, the power behind five English thrones. 2015. TB23131.

Asbridge draws upon an array of contemporary evidence, to present a compelling account of William Marshal's life and times, from rural England to the battlefields of France, the desert castles of the Holy Land and the verdant shores of Ireland. Charting the unparalleled rise to prominence of a man bound to a code of honour, yet driven by unquenchable ambition, this knight's tale lays bare the brutish realities of medieval warfare and the machinations of royal court, and draws us into the heart of a period of our history, when the West emerged from the Dark Ages and stood on the brink of modernity.

Read by Jonathan Oliver. 16 hours 17 minutes.

Brown, Jane. Lancelot 'Capability' Brown: the omnipotent magician, 1716-1783. 2012. TB23016.

Lancelot Brown changed the face of eighteenth-century England, designing country estates and mansions, moving hills and making flowing lakes and serpentine rivers, a magical world of green. Jane Brown paints an unforgettable picture of the man and his work, from his childhood and apprenticeship in rural Northumberland, through his formative years at Stowe, the most famous garden of the day. His innovative ideas, and his generous nature, led to a meteoric rise to a Royal Appointment in 1764 and his clients and friends ranged from statesmen like the elder Pitt to artists and actors like David Garrick.

Read by Lisa Milne Henderson. 16 hours 50 minutes.

Etherington-Smith, Meredith. The 'It' girls: Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon, the couturiere 'Lucile' and Elinor Glyn, romantic novelist. 1986. TB6810.

Celebrated sisters Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon and Elinor Glyn, both wilful, glamorous and wordly, are the subjects of this double biography. Born in the 1860s they were forced by circumstance to support themselves at a time when the sole occupation for a gentlewoman was to be a governess. Lucile became one of the foremost couturieres of her age. Elinor's career as a novelist was equally dazzling; her society shocker, "Three Weeks", detailing an extra-marital affair between an exotic seductress and an unwitting younger man, established her notoriety.

Read by Joanna Mackie. 10 hours 45 minutes.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane. Slipstream: a memoir. 2003. TB22948.

In this candid and revealing memoir, Elizabeth Jane Howard looks back over her eventful life, from her private education at home, through brief spells as an actress and model, to developing a successful career as a novelist. As well as giving a highly personal insight into the author's life, she illuminates the literary world of the latter half of the 20th century.

Read by Helen Bourne. 21 hours 59 minutes.

Kingett, Robert. Off the grid: living blind without the Internet. 2015.


Journalist Robert Kingett accepts a dare, one that at first seems simple: to adapt to his blindness without the Internet. This account is a cozy diary of battling with an FM radio, hooking up a landline phone, and the journey of adapting to a brand new way of living from someone who has never disconnected from the World Wide Web.

Read by T. David Rutherford. 3 hours 27 minutes.

Myers, Dave. Blood, sweat and tyres. 2015. TB23255.

The Hairy Bikers are known for their best-selling cookbooks, and now they are here to tell you how it all started. Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, have lived life to the fullest. They had fantastically rich northern childhoods, laced with food and fun, but of course, with some tragedy too. We also get to know the early Bikers; we find out how their friendship developed and all of the round-the-world trips they went on.

Read by Si King and Dave Myers. 10 hours 24 minutes.

Parini, Jay. Every time a friend succeeds something inside me dies: the life of Gore Vidal. 2015. TB22952.

An intimate yet frank biography of Gore Vidal, one of the most accomplished, visible and controversial American novelists and cultural figures of the past century. The product of thirty years of friendship and conversation, Parini's biography probes behind the glittering surface of Vidal's colourful life to reveal the complex emotional and sexual truth underlying his celebrity-strewn life. There is plenty of glittering surface as well, a virtual Who's Who from Eleanor Roosevelt on down.

Read by John Chancer. 18 hours 56 minutes.

Whistler, Laurence. The laughter and the urn: the life of Rex Whistler. 1985. TB6086.

The story of a painter whose work was romantic and humorous told by his brother with whom he shared much of his short life. A peace loving man, he joined the Welsh Guards and was killed in the Normandy landings aged thirty-nine. The diversity of his achievement for so short a span was remarkable - murals, book illustrations and theatre designs as well as easel painting and portraiture.

Read by Bruce Montague. 15 hours 45 minutes.


Thorne, Jack. Harry Potter and the cursed child. 2016. TB23322.

This play is based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne & John Tiffany. It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school -age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

Read by Geoffrey Newland. 6 hours 26 minutes.


Beard, Mary. SPQR: a history of ancient Rome. 2015. TB22744.

This book explores not only how Rome grew from an insignificant village in central Italy to a power that controlled territory from Spain to Syria, but also how the Romans thought about themselves and their achievements, and why they are still important to us. Covering 1,000 years of history, and casting fresh light on the basics of Roman culture from slavery to running water, as well as exploring democracy, migration, religious controversy, social mobility and exploitation in the larger context of the empire.

Read by Monica Kendall. 20 hours 23 minutes.

DeFede, Jim. The day the world came to town. 2003. TB22750.

When thirty-eight jetliners bound for the United States were forced to land in Gander, Newfoundland, on September 11, 2001, due to the closing of United States airspace, the citizens of this small community were called upon to come to the aid of more than six thousand displaced travellers. The people were asked to aid and care for these distraught travellers, as well as for thousands more, and their response was truly extraordinary.

Read by Garrick Hagon. 7 hours 32 minutes.

Jenner, Greg. A million years in a day: a curious history of everyday life: from the Stone Age to the phone age. 2015. TB23261.

Who invented beds? When did we start cleaning our teeth? How old are wine and beer? Every day, from the moment our alarm clock wakes us in the morning until our head hits our pillow at night, we all take part in rituals that are millennia old. 'A Million Years in a Day' reveals the astonishing origins and development of the daily practices we take for granted. Jenner explores the gradual and often unexpected evolution of our daily routines.

Read by Greg Jenner. 10 hours 49 minutes.

Roberts, Alice M. The Celts: search for a civilization. 2015. TB23038.

We know a lot about the Roman Empire. But there was another ancient people in Europe, feared warriors with chariots, iron swords, exquisite jewellery, swirling tattoos and strange rituals and beliefs. For hundreds of years Europe was theirs, not Rome's. They were the Celts. From Denmark to Italy; Portugal to Turkey, Alice Roberts takes us on a journey across Europe, revealing the remarkable story of the Celts: their real origins, how they lived and thrived, and their enduring modern legacy.

Read by Di Langford. 8 hours 54 minutes.


Bostridge, Ian. Schubert's winter journey: anatomy of an obsession. 2015. TB23074.

Franz Schubert's Winterreise is at the same time one of the most powerful and one of the most enigmatic masterpieces in Western culture. Ian Bostridge focuses on the context, resonance and personal significance of a work which is possibly the greatest landmark in the history of Lieder. He unpicks the enigmas and subtle meaning of each of the twenty-four songs to explore for us the world Schubert inhabited, bringing the work and its world alive for connoisseurs and new listeners alike. Though not strictly a biography of Schubert, Schubert's Winter Journey provides insight into the mind and work of the great composer.

Contains swear words.

Read by Chris Courtenay. 10 hours 42 minutes.

Natural History

Barkham, Patrick. Coastlines: the story of our shore. 2015. TB23012.

Told through a series of walks beside the sea, this is a story of the most beautiful 742 miles of coastline in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: their rocks, plants and animals, their views, walks and history, and the people who have made their lives within sight of the waves.

Read by Richard Derrington. 13 hours 44 minutes.


The Oxford book of English verse. 1999. TB22746.

This anthology of English poetry contains over 850 poems, covering more than seven centuries of English verse from all parts of the British Isles. Some of the greatest long poems are here, Wordsworth's 'Tintern Abbey', Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner', and Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market', alongside some of the shortest, haikus, squibs, and epigrams.

Read by Greg Wagland. 27 hours 32 minutes.

Popular science

Carroll, Sean B. The Serengeti rules: the quest to discover how life works and why it matters. 2016. TB23172.

How does life work? How does nature produce the right numbers of zebras and lions on the African savanna, or fish in the ocean? How do our bodies produce the right numbers of cells in our organs and bloodstream? Award-winning biologist and author Sean Carroll tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who sought the answers to such simple yet profoundly important questions, and shows how their discoveries matter for our health and the health of the planet we depend upon.

Read by Michael FitzPatrick. 7 hours 35 minutes.


Sacks, Jonathan. The dignity of difference: how to avoid the clash of civilizations. 2003. TB22957.

A statement by a Jewish leader on the ethics of globalization, it introduces a new paradigm into the search for co-existence. Sacks argues that we must do more than search for common human values. We must also learn to make space for difference, even and especially at the heart of the monotheistic imagination.

Read by John Cartwright. 8 hours 12 minutes.


Seymour, Ellee. The shop girls: a true story of hard work, friendship

and fashion in an exclusive 1950s department store. 2014. TB22903.

For Eve, Irene, Betty and Rosemary, working at the exclusive Heyworth's department store in Cambridge is a dream come true. Once the girls step inside the elegant building the hardships of their own lives are temporarily forgotten. Set during the closing years of the Second World War, and moving into the 1950s, 'The Shop Girls' perfectly recreates the camaraderie and friendship of these fascinating young women, and brings to life the thrilling hustle and bustle of a fashionable department store.

Read by Rachel Atkins. 8 hours 42 minutes.


Bradley, Simon. The railways: nation, network and people. 2015. TB23075.

Thousands of route-miles fenced off from the rest of the country, carved into landscapes barely changed since Shakespeare's time and ruled by their own mysterious rhythms and laws. From the classical architecture of Newcastle Station to the unrelenting traffic and expanse of Clapham Junction and the lost stations of Oban and Challow, Bradley explores the landscape of the railways, the trains, and the passengers.

Read by Bob Rollett. 27 hours 25 minutes.

True crime

Harding, Luke. A very expensive poison: the definitive story of the murder of Litvinenko and Russia's war with the West. 2016. TB23136.

1 November 2006. Alexander Litvinenko is brazenly poisoned in central London. 22 days later he dies, killed from the inside. The poison? Polonium; a rare, lethal and highly radioactive substance. His crime? He had made some powerful enemies in Russia. This book presents the inside story of the life and death of Litvinenko. Harding traces the journey of the poison across London, from hotel room to nightclub, assassin to victim; a deadly trail that seemingly leads back to the Russian state itself.

Read by Peter Crerar. 11 hours 55 minutes.

Pickford, Nigel. Lady Bette and the murder of Mr Thynn. 2014. TB23264.

Lady Bette, the 14-year-old heiress to the vast Northumberland estates, becomes the victim of a plot by her grandmother, the Countess Howard, to marry her to the dissolute fortune-hunter Thomas Thynn, a man three times her age with an evil reputation. Revolted by her new husband, Lady Bette flees to Holland. Within weeks, Thynn is gunned down in the street by three hired assassins. Who is behind the contract killing? Is it the Swedish Count Konigsmark, young and glamorous? Or is it a political assassination, as the anti-Catholic press maintains?

Read by Katie Scarf. 10 hours 38 minutes.

Sereny, Gitta. The case of Mary Bell: a portrait of a child who murdered: with a new preface and appendix by the author. 1995. TB22759.

In December 1968 two girls, Mary Bell, eleven, and Norma Bell, thirteen (neighbours, but not related), stood before a criminal court in Newcastle, accused of strangling, within a six-week period, Martin Brown, four years old, and Brian Howe, three. Norma was acquitted. Mary Bell, the younger but infinitely more sophisticated and cooler of the two, was found guilty of manslaughter rather than murder because of 'diminished responsibility' and was sentenced to 'detention' for life.

Contains violence.

Read by Elizabeth Proud. 13 hours 14 minutes.

Warfare and Defence

Benuzzi, Felice. No picnic on Mount Kenya. 2015. TB22876.

In 1943, Felice Benuzzi and two Italian compatriots escaped from a British POW camp in equatorial East Africa with only one goal in mind. There are not many people who would break out of a P.O.W. camp, trek for days across perilous terrain before climbing the north face of Mount Kenya with improvised equipment, meagre rations, and with a picture of the mountain on a tin of beef among their more accurate guides. There are probably fewer still who would break back in to the camp on their return.

Read by Jonathan Oliver. 9 hours 50 minutes.

Campbell, Clare. Dogs of courage: when Britain's pets went to war, 1939-45. 2015. TB22867.

During the most dangerous days of the Second World War, the British government set out to recruit an army of canines, a 'Guard Dog Unit'. This experimental team of brave hounds would later use their incredible sense of smell to sniff out the anti-personnel mines that barred the way to reclaiming Europe. Based on original documents, first-hand accounts and interviews, Dogs of Courage tells a story of human determination, heartbreak and uncompromising canine courage.

Read by Harriet Dunlop. 9 hours 45 minutes.

Welsh adult non-fiction

Autobiography and biography

Davies, D. T. Dianc i Ryddid: Rhyfel D.T. Davies. 2015. TB22931.

Hunangofiant dirdynnol cyn-garcharor rhyfel yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd, sef, D T Davies, Dryslwyn, sir Gaerfyrddin, yn dilyn ei bererindod i Awstria am y tro cyntaf ers iddo ddianc o'r wlad 70 mlynedd yn ôl.

Read by Chris Davies. 5 hours 2 minutes. TB22931.

Lewis, Llŷr Gwyn. Rhyw Flodau Rhyfel. 2014. TB21995.

Llyfr am hanes, rhyfel a theithio gan yr awdur, y bardd a'r darlithydd, Llŷr Gwyn Lewis. Dyma blethiad hyfryd o ffaith a ffuglen a'i chanolbwynt ar y cof a sut yr ydym ni'n coffau. Trwy bytiau cofiannol, ysgrifau taith, ffotograffau, dyddiaduron, cofnodion a llenyddiaeth cawn gydgerdded a'r awdur rhwng cwsg ac effro ar hyd llwybrau'r cof a'r dychymyg.

Read by Llyr Gwyn Lewis. 6 hours 24 minutes. TB21995.

Children and young adult fiction

Suggested reading age 0-4

Lucas, David. The Skeleton Pirate. 2013. TB23183.

The Skeleton Pirate is the terror of the seas who'll never be beaten! Until, that is, he gets beaten by an unruly bunch of pirates and thrown overboard. Down in the depths of the sea, he embarks on an adventure with a beautiful mermaid, a whale with tummy ache and a golden ship full of treasure.

Read by Kris Dyer. 8 minutes.

Suggested reading age 5+

Bass, Guy. Monster boy. 2011. TB23192.

Gormy Ruckles: book 1. Gormy Ruckles is determined to be the most fearsome monster the world has ever seen! But when his father sets him a tall task - to scare a sheep - Gormy realises there might be more to

monsterin than he first thought.

Read by Guy Bass. 52 minutes.

Bass, Guy. Monster mischief. 2011. TB23193.

Gormy Ruckles: book 2. Gormy is fed up with everyone telling him he isn't monstrous enough yet. Why won't anyone give him a chance? And with a mysterious creature wreaking havoc all through the house, Gormy is going to need to be more than scary.

Read by Guy Bass. 58 minutes.

Norton, Liss. Florence's birthday wish. 2011. TB23211.

Bluebell Woods: book 1. Bluebell Woods, home to a cast of woodland friends. Spring is here and Florence the rabbit is excited about her birthday. It seems that everyone is busy, and she is worried no one will be around to celebrate. She confides in her best friends, Honey the wood mouse, Natalie the hedgehog and Evie the squirrel, that she would love a picnic by the Babbling Brook, but even they're too busy to come. The big day arrives, will Florence's celebration be everything she hoped for?

Read by Rita Sharma. 1 hour 2 minutes.

Suggested reading age 7+

Asquith, Ros. Letters from an alien schoolboy. 2011. TB23190.

Alien schoolboy: book 1. Flowkwee is on a mission – he has to disguise himself as a schoolboy and spy on young earthlings, in order to help his father with his research. Here are his letters to his best friend, describing the strange earthlings who have only one head, two peepers, and no aerials, lights, whirlers or even winkers! And he discovers the fool-proof way to catch earthlings is to tell them to follow a sign saying ‘ice cream!’

Read by Wayne Forester. 2 hours 32 minutes.

Dougherty, John. Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the badness of badgers. 2015. TB23202.

Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face: book 1. Winner of the Great Kerfuffle Best Book of Last Tuesday. Come and join our intrepid heroes Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face on their highly dangerous and nail-biting adventure (or it may just be mildly perilous!). Oh, and there might be a few dodgy badgers hanging about too. Meet the funniest collection of characters ever known to mankind in this stupendously hilarious book that will make you laugh your socks off, and quite possibly your ears too.

Read by Robert Nairne. 1 hour 25 minutes.

Faber, Polly. The not-a-pig. 2015. TB23080.

Mango & Bambang: book 1. A charming collection of four stories about the unlikely friendship between Mango, a little girl, and Bambang, an Asian tapir. Mango Allsorts is good at all sorts of things, not just karate and chess. Bambang is most definitely not-a-pig and is now lost in a very busy city. When the two unexpectedly meet, a friendship begins, filled with adventures, and of course, plenty of banana pancakes.

Read by Candida Gubbins. 1 hour 1 minute.

Jones, Gareth P. The clan of the scorpion. 2012. TB23206.

Ninja meerkats: book 1. Jet Flashfeet, Chuck Cobracrusher, Donnie Dragonjab, and Bruce Willowhammer... Together they are THE CLAN OF THE SCORPION! Armed to the teeth with ninja know-how, this ultimate fighting force has one goal - to thwart the evil Ringmaster's plans for world domination. A tiger is missing from Hong Kong Zoo, but this is no ordinary big cat and she won't be found by sticking "Lost!" posters on lampposts. When the meerkats find a clown-shaped Clue in the Poo at the zoo, it can only mean one thing: the Ringmaster and his Circus Goons are in town.

Read by David Thorpe. 1 hour 7 minutes.

Jones, Gareth P. The eye of the monkey. 2012. TB23207.

Ninja meerkats: book 2. An Indian emerald with mystical powers has been stolen from under the noses of the monkeys who guard it. The meerkats team up with kung fu supremo the Delhi Llama to investigate. Some monkey business is afoot, and there are no prizes for guessing who's behind it.

Read by David Thorpe. 1 hour 16 minutes.

Mitchelhill, Barbara. Damien Drooth supersleuth. 2011. TB23210.

Damian Drooth: book 1. Damian Drooth, the one-of-a-kind, clean-up-the world hero, has arrived. Criminals beware – and be very afraid! In this collection of Damian Drooth mysteries we find the boy detective embroiled in a variety of unlikely cases. But he always comes out on top– in the end!

Read by Christopher Naylor. 2 hours 35 minutes.

Scott, Kate. Boy in tights. 2015. TB23214.

Spies in disguise: book 1. Joe discovers his parents are spies, which is great. But Joe’s parents are in danger, which is not so great. And now Joe has to go undercover as a girl, which is definitely NOT GREAT AT ALL. Joe (now ‘Josephine’) is miserable when he starts his new school in a blonde wig, dress and tights. But soon he has a spy mission of his own. Using a host of unusual gadgets, Joe investigates some suspicious goings on. But can he do so without revealing his true identity?

Read by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart. 2 hours 32 minutes.

Suggested reading age 9+

Backshall, Stephen. Tiger wars. 2014. TB23191.

Falcon chronicles: book 1. Saker is on the run from the only life he knows. He’s escaping the Clan, a clandestine organisation that hires teen renegades to the highest bidder. From India to the Himalayas and China he’ll be pursued by hunting dogs, mercenaries, spies, thieves and assassins as he comes face to face with a terrifying Chinese Overlord in his quest to set free the most majestic, lethal and valuable of all the predators – the tiger. And with him, on every dangerous step of the adventure, is Sinter, a girl who has her own reasons for running away.

Read by Steve Backshall. 6 hours 17 minutes.

Cheshire, Simon. Operation Sting. 2015. TB23198.

Swarm: book 1. The Secret Intelligence Agency has a new weapon: SWARM – artificially intelligent robotic bugs that act as undercover agents. Operating below the radar, they can fly faster, see further and sting harder! They won't stop until they've completed their mission, no matter what it takes. When a prototype weapon is stolen, it's a race against time for SWARM to locate and reclaim the weapon before the thieves crack the encryption code protecting it.

Read by Dugald Bruce-Lockhart. 2 hours 2 minutes.

Donnelly, Jennifer. Deep blue. 2014. TB22685.

Waterfire saga: book 1. When Serafina, a mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea, awakens on the morning of her betrothal, her biggest worry should be about reuniting with handsome Prince Mahdi, her childhood crush. Instead she finds herself haunted by strange dreams foretelling the return of an ancient evil, and dealing with the deaths of her parents as assassins storm the betrothal ceremony, plunging the city into chaos. Serafina and her best friend Neela embark on a quest to avenge her parents' death and

prevent a war between the mer nations.

Read by Phoebe McIntosh. 8 hours 45 minutes.

Hickman, John. Freaks United. 2016. TB23204.

Seth, Beefy and Angelo can't believe it when they aren't selected for the football team at their new school. Then they are labelled the 'Freaks' who didn't make it. Now they have new enemies in the form of Bieber-a-like Daniel Logan and P.E. teacher Mr Steele. So do they go home and give up the dream, or do they start their own team? The Freaks United are born and they are going to live up to their name.

Read by Thomas Eyre. 3 hours 12 minutes.

Mayhew, Jon. Mortlock. 2011. TB23034.

Mortlock: book 1. Josie is a knife-thrower in a magician's stage act, Alfie is an undertaker's assistant. They are both orphans and they have never met, but they are about to be given a clue to the secret of their shared past.

Read by James Parsons. 7 hours 16 minutes.

Thorne, Jack. Harry Potter and the cursed child. 2016. TB23322.

This play is based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne & John Tiffany. It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school -age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

Read by Geoffrey Newland. 6 hours 26 minutes.

Suggested reading age 11+

Taylor, Thomas. Dan and the dead. 2015. TB23216.

Dan: book 1. Dan can see ghosts. See them, speak to them, and sometimes help them – for a price. Dan and his ghostly sidekick Simon help the unquiet dead solve their problems and move on. But when they take on the case of a teenage shoplifter, things start to spin out of control. Soon Dan is up against a dangerous and badly-dressed gangster, a rather unusual vicar, the ghost of a Victorian stage magician who cut off his own head and a spot of grave robbing!

Read by Simon Bubb. 2 hours 22 minutes.

Suggested reading age 13+

Brooks, Kevin. iBoy. 2010. TB22780.

Before the attack, 16-year-old Tom Harvey was just an ordinary boy. But now fragments of a shattered iPhone are embedded in his brain and it's having an extraordinary effect. Because now Tom has powers. The ability to know and see more than he could ever imagine. And with incredible power comes knowledge and a choice.

Contains swear words.

Read by Robert Nairne. 7 hours 40 minutes.

Cole, Stephen. Shoot to kill. 2015. TB21793.

Young Bond: book 6. Expelled from Eton and determined never to trust again, James Bond's plans for a solitary summer are dashed by the discovery of a gruesome film reel – a reel someone is willing to kill for. Travelling from the English countryside to Los Angeles, James finds himself caught up in a sinister plot of blackmail, murder and revenge that goes way beyond any Hollywood gangster movie. His friends are in danger and his life is on the line; James must find a way out.

Read by David Thorpe. 8 hours 39 minutes.

Downham, Jenny. You against me. 2014. TB23079.

When Mikey's sister claims a boy assaulted her, his world begins to fall apart. When Ellie's brother is charged with the offence, her world begins to unravel. When Mikey and Ellie meet, two worlds collide.

Contains swear words.

Read by Natalie Castka. 11 hours 28 minutes.

Rushton, Rosie. Secret schemes and daring dreams. 2008. TB22901.

Jane Austen in 21st Century: book 3. Emma Woodhouse had, for 17 years, had pretty much everything her own way. She was of the opinion that if you wanted something enough, you simply applied all your energies to getting it. So when she met someone with untapped potential, she set out to change their lives for them. Whether they liked it or not.

Read by Madeleine Hyland. 5 hours 12 minutes.

Welsh children and young adult fiction

Suggested reading age 0-4

Walliams, David. Yr eliffant eithaf digywilydd. 2016. TB23114.

Wedi cwblhau ffurflen 'mabwysiadu eliffant', doedd Sam ddim yn disgwyl gweld eliffant go iawn ar garreg y drws, ond wedi iddo ddod i'r tŷ, mae'n un antur anferth ar ôl y llall! Cyfrol ddwyieithog sy'n addas i blant dros 3 oed.

Read by Hanna Jarman. 8 minutes.

Walliams, David. Yr hipo cyntaf ar y lleuad. 2015. TB23115.

Addasiad Gruffudd Antur o un o lyfrau stori David Walliams. Mae Heulwen eisiau bod yr Hipo cyntaf ar y Lleuad. Ond tybed pwy fydd yn cyrraedd gyntaf? Heulwen neu Caswallon ap Cynfelyn ap Cadwaladr?

Read by Hanna Jarman. 11 minutes.

Suggested reading age 5+

Dahl, Roald. Yr CMM. 2016. TB23168.

Addasiad Cymraeg o The BFG, stori anhygoel gan awdur llyfrau plant poblogaidd iawn yn sôn am ffrind gorau Sophie, sef y CMM, cawr mawr caredig sy'n defnyddio rhai geiriau hynod.

Read by Rhian Jones. 5 hours 15 minutes.

Milbourne, Anna. Ceffylau a merlod. 2010. TB23053.

Cyfres dechrau da Usborne beginners. Sut mae ceffylau'n byw'n wyllt? Pa fath o ferlyn sy'n byw ger Pegwn y Gogledd? Pam mae ceffylau'n gwisgo pedolau? Mae'r atebion a llawer mwy o wybodaeth ryfeddol am geffylau a merlod yn y llyfr hwn. Mae Ceffylau a Merlod yn rhan o gyfres gyffrous o lyfrau i blant sy'n dechrau darllen ar eu pennau eu hunain. Mae'r testun yn hawdd ei ddarllen ac wedi'i ysgrifennu'n arbennig gyda help arbenigwr darllen.

Read by Paul Morris. 13 minutes.

Tomos, Angharad, Darn Bach o Bapur: nofel am aberth y Beasleys. 2014. TB22566.

Mae'r stori hon yn seiliedig ar safiad Eileen a Trefor Beasley a ddechreuodd yn y 1950au i wrthod talu treth cyngor Llanelli nes iddyn nhw dderbyn ffurflen Gymraeg. Bu i'r brotest barhau am wyth mlynedd a golygu caledi mawr i'r teulu. Roedd Delyth Beasley wrth ei bodd yn chwarae'r piano oedd yn stafell fyw'r teulu yn Llangennech. Ond pan ddaeth cnoc y beili ar y drws bu'n rhaid i biano y ferch fynd. A daeth y beili'n ôl yn gyson rhwng 1952 a 1960 i fynd â rhagor o eiddo'r teulu - y soffa, y bwrdd, y cadeiriau a'r drych ... Pam? Am fod Trefor ac Eileen, tad a mam Delyth ac Elidyr, yn gwrthod talu treth Cyngor Llanelli nes iddyn nhw dderbyn bil yn Gymraeg. Dyma'r stori wir am frwydr anodd un teulu bach dros ffurflen dreth, a'r effaith gafodd hynny ar yr iaith Gymraeg. Stori fawr am ddarn bach o bapur!

Read by Hanna Jarman. 2 hours 26 minutes.

Walliams, David. Cyfrinach Nana Crwca. 2014.TB23018.

Mae'n gas gan Ben aros yn nhŷ Nana Crwca bob nos Wener. Mae hi'n nain gyffredin ym mhob ffordd: gwallt gwyn, dannedd gosod, ac yn drewi o fresych. Ond mae ganddi gyfrinach arbennig iawn. Ychydig a wyddai Ben fod ei nain oedrannus yn lleidr gemwaith rhyngwladol ... Addasiad Cymraeg o Gangsta Granny.

Read by Hanna Jarman. 3 hours 25 minutes.

Walliams, David. Deintydd dieflig. 2015. TB23112.

Addasiad Cymraeg o Demon Dentist gan Gruffudd Antur. Roedd y dref yn dywyll ac roedd pethau od yn digwydd yng nghanol nos. Yn ôl yr arfer roedd plant yn gosod dant o dan y gobennydd gan obeithio y byddai'r tylwyth teg yn galw heibio! Ond y fath siom wrth edrych dan y gobennydd yn y bore a gweld beth oedd yno. Dim llai na slyg marw, pry cop a channoedd o bryfed clust bywiog.

Read by Hanna Jarman. 4 hours 36 minutes.

Suggested reading age 9+

Dahl, Roald. Charlie a'r ffatri siocled. 2002. TB23464.

Mae Charlie Bucket yn dwlu ar siocled. Ac mae Mr Willy Wonka, y dyfeisiwr mwyaf rhyfeddol yn y byd, yn mynd i agor giatiau ei ffatri siocled anhygoel i bump o blant lwcus. Gwobr hollol wych! Addasiad Elin Meek o Charlie and the Chocolate Factory gan Roald Dahl.

Read by Tom Blumberg. 4 hours.

Suggested reading age 13+

Boyne, John. Y bachgen mewn pyjamas. 2009. TB23107.

Addasiad o'r llyfr The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas a ddaeth yn destun ffilm gofiadwy yn ddiweddar. Stori ingol am ddarn o hanes na ddylid byth ei anghofio. Llyfr dadlennol am gyfeillgarwch ac am greulondeb rhyfel. Chlywodd Bruno, sy'n naw oed, erioed sôn am yr Ateb Terfynol na'r Holocost. Does ganddo ddim syniad fod ei wlad yn gwneud pethau mor greulon i bobl Ewrop.

Read by Rhian Jones. 5 hours 51 minutes.

Books narrated by volunteers

Adult Fiction

Eidson, Thomas. The last ride. 1996. Western. TB405452.

In New Mexico an old man begins a journey that can only end in death. For thirty years Samuel Jones has lived as an Apache, severing all ties with his family. Now his daughter needs him to ride against the Indians and recapture his lost granddaughter.

12 hours 1 minute.

Howard, Linda. Diamond Bay. 1999. Romance. TB405454.

Rescues; book 2. Rachel Jones wasn't looking for trouble, much less a man, but in Kell Sabin she found both. On a hot summer's night Kell is washed up barely alive on a Florida beach and into Rachel's life. Their love blossoms as he recovers from his injuries. But by falling in love with Kell, Rachel has put her own life in danger from the forces that want him dead. Once fate has bought them together, can they learn to live apart?

7 hours 51 minutes.

Howard, Linda. White lies. 1998. Romance. TB405449.

Rescues; book 4. Escorted by the FBI to her ex-husband's bedside, Jay Granger is unprepared for her reaction. Something's different. Even unconscious, this man is more dangerous than she remembers. Is this the man she'd married, or a total stranger? Jay Granger knows that the man lying in the bed is not her amnesiac ex-husband, despite his sincere belief he is, but when Jay becomes entangled in a web of danger and duplicity, it becomes impossible to escape her uncertain future.

7 hours 33 minutes.

Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford. 1993. Classic. TB405459.

In its less well-known sequel, Tom Brown at Oxford, we follow our hero to St Ambrose's College, and, in sharing his undergraduate experiences, gain a vivid impression of university life in the mid nineteenth century.

21 hours 42 minutes.

Kendrick, Sharon. Mistress of La Rioja. 2002. Mills and Boon romance. TB405450.

There had been a searing mutual attraction between Sophie and Don Luis La Camara, but she'd had to return to England. Now Luis had come to find her, to ask her to return to La Rioja, as his young son's nanny and his mistress. It was hardly the declaration of love Sophie had hoped for. Would she really give up her home, her business, her life, to be with the enigmatic Spaniard who'd given up on love? Sophie had grown to love the motherless little boy, and if there was just one tiny chance she could claim Luis's love, then the answer had to be yes!

5 hours 14 minutes.

Stajno, Yana. Rules for Thursday lovers. 2015. Humorous fiction. TB405451.

Old school friends, Angie and Fiona, bump into one another at a rather drunken timeshare event aboard a barge on the river Thames. Bored with her life, Fiona insists they both need some excitement. Their marriages have grown stale. Both women crave romance, not a timeshare apartment. Timesharing a lover; now that would be interesting! Auditions are swiftly convened at London Zoo, with hopefuls including a language student, an opera singer and a pickpocket.

9 hours 47 minutes.

Adult Non-Fiction

Autobiography and biography

The servant queen and the king she serves. 2016. TB405453.

The Queen’s remarkable life of service to nation and commonwealth has made her one of the most admired people in the world. But what is the source of her inspiration and strength in good times and tough times? This tribute focuses on the Queen’s own words to draw out the central role of her trust in Jesus Christ in shaping her life and work, offering us an inspiring, multi-faceted insight onto a life well lived for others.

1 hour 9 minutes.

Hart, Dolores. The ear of the heart: an actress' journey from Hollywood to holy vows. 2013. TB405458.

Dolores Hart stunned Hollywood in 1963, when after ten highly successful feature films, she chose to enter a contemplative monastery. She made her film debut with Elvis Presley in Paramount's 1957 Loving You, but a turning point in her life occurred while playing Saint Clare in the movie Francis of Assisi. She entered the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut, not in order to leave the glamorous world of acting, but in order to answer a mysterious call she heard with the "ear of the heart".

19 hours 33 minutes.

McGrain, Danny. Celtic, my team. 1978. TB405439.

Danny McGrain, brought up on a sprawling city housing estate, signed up with Celtic as a teenager in May 1967. At the time, Celtic was not only the best team in Scotland but in Europe, having just won the European Cup with a new exciting brand of attacking football, which took the world by storm. It was a daunting task for a youngster trying to break into a team of superstars but McGrain's dashing style, pace and ball control marked him as true Celtic material. McGrain went on to become the Celtic captain, becoming a favourite of player and fan alike.

6 hours 57 minutes.


Billington, Michael. The 101 greatest plays: from antiquity to the present. 2015. TB405456.

Theatre critic Michael Billington selects his 101 greatest plays of all time. 101 extended essays, and occasional dialogues, put the plays in context, justify their inclusion, explain their significance and trace their performance history. This book poses a number of questions. What makes a great play? Does the definition change with time and circumstance? Are certain common factors visible down the ages? However, The 101 Greatest Plays is ultimately a celebration of the art of the dramatist.

17 hours 44 minutes.

Food and Drink

Free food feasts. 2016. TB405457.

Slimming World's Food Optimising puts you in control. You don't need to worry about weighing all your food, counting points or monitoring every mouthful. The Free Food list includes masses of food that you can eat in unlimited amounts. This is a Slimming World cookbook featuring 60 delicious recipes. There are also more than 20 dishes that are perfect for the Slimming World fast track weight loss plan. This cookbook covers meaty feasts, poultry perfection, seafood, spaghetti, and fruit and veg favourites.

3 hours 19 minutes.


Anderson, Lynn. If I really believe, why do I have these doubts? 1992. TB405455.

Faith is the most fundamentally important aspect of following Christ. Yet there are times in every believer's life when the inevitable question arises in the heart and works its way to the soul: If I really believe, why do I have these doubts? The question may have been planted by tragedy or trial, or ignited by rejection or heartbreak. If you or someone you know is asking this question, this book will bring help and hope to every heart in search of a deeper faith.

6 hours 55 minutes.

Self Help

McQ, Joe. The steps we took. 1990. TB405446.

This is a book of plain-spoken wisdom for people with addictions and people who love them. Joe McQ has been a student of the Twelve Steps for more than three decades. He, like tens of thousands of others, lives them every day, one day at a time. In The Steps We Took, Joe takes us through them, one Step at a time, and helps us understand how they

Work - and how they can change our lives

5 hours 28 minutes.

Travel and Tourism

Macdonald, Hugh. Rambles round Glasgow: descriptive, historical and traditional. 1856. TB405445.

In this 19th century travel book, he writes, "We have thousands amongst ourselves who can boast of their familiarity with the wonders of other lands, yet who have never traced the windings of the Clyde, the Cart, or the Kelvin, … or of penetrating that sanctum of Gothic magnificence, the crypt of our own venerable Cathedral! To such parties we would say …. that there are many things of beauty and of interest to be met with in the course of a brief ramble among the environs of our own city."

17 hours 44 minutes.

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