Niagara Release 2.3
Revised: August 15, 2002Niagara
Browser Access GuideChapter 7
Application DatabaseUsing
the SQL Query Form 7–8Typically, the SQL select statement is used to retrieve data. All queries run against
a particular database table, which you must type inexactly as it appears in the database. The wildcard asterisk (*) is also typically used to select all fields (columns)
in an archive, coupled with a where condition that limits which records are selected.
Table 7-1
shows a few example SQL queries using the select statement. You can experiment with the query form using similar statements modified to name appdb tables in your system. (The select statement is never destructive to appdb data).
NoteAny SQL query with a syntax error yields a The page cannot be found result.
TipTo avoid
typing table names in queries, open another browser window and and sign onto the station to display the database (appdb) index (
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