Niagara Release Niagara Browser Access Guide
Revised: August 15, 2002Chapter
About This DocumentDocument Summary
viDocument Summary
This document contains a cover page, a table of contents, eight chapters, three appendixes,
an index, and a documentation response form. These sections are summarized below.
Chapter 1, Getting Started,”
—Topics include browser requirements, connection information needed, procedures to connect and sign on the system,
using basic browser controls, mouse and cursor behavior, and signing off of the system. Chapter 2, Graphics and Commands,”
—Is about system graphics (GxPages), including image and text elements, visual alarm indication, and issuing commands.
Chapter 3,
Schedules and Holidays,”
—Provides information on using the graphical views to schedules and holidays. Included are procedures to review and modify schedules and holidays.
Chapter 4, Alarms and Alerts,”
—Covers standard browser access to alarms and alerts in the system, including procedures to acknowledge these events.
Chapter 5, Log Charts,”
—Covers viewing log data in the graphical Log Chart view, including using the control bar buttons. Use of the Log Selector is also explained.
Chapter 6,
Status Information,”
—Covers accessing object status information, using the text-based status index and status query form.
Chapter 7, Application Database,”
—Covers accessing the SQL application database of a Web Supervisor, using the available indexes and SQL query form.
Chapter 8, Station Indexes,”
—Provides a review of the
various indexes into a station, including the appdb, archive, database, GxPage, Help, Log, and Status index.
Appendix A, My System,”
—Provides a place where you can record information about your system,
including IP addresses, specific URLs, or other custom notes.
Appendix B, Prism Servlet,”
—Provides information on using the prism servlet for troubleshooting and maintenance of the system.
Appendix C, “Direct-Dial Access,”
—Provides details on accessing a remote Niagara host using a direct-dial (modem) connection.
An Index provides an alphabetical listing of important topics with page numbers.
Formatting Conventions
This document uses the following conventions: