Nigeria: Report Gives Details, Says Terrorist Groups Gaining Foothold in Nigeria

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Investigations by THISDAY revealed that this development is giving Jonathan grave concern and may intervene soon to end the unhealthy rivalry among the intelligence agencies.

The newspaper learnt that the expected cooperation needed by these agencies to tackle the menace has not been forthcoming and has been affecting their effectiveness.

This is why nine clear days before the bombers struck last Friday at the United Nations House, federal agencies knew about it but could not nip it in the bud because of some avoidable bickering "over who is in-charge of what and who controls what".

The development has led to the challenge of coordination of the agencies resulting in bad management of even available information.

For instance, a few days after the UN House attack, there was a meeting of the security agencies with the diplomatic community. At the end of the parley, THISDAY also gathered that there was an agreement that the president should be persuaded to address the nations on the security threats and assure all that he government was up to the task of arresting the situation.

He was to announce the various strategies agreed to at the meeting as steps his administration would pursue to check the threat of the terrorists. One of the points he was billed to announce to Nigerians and the international community was the fact that arrests were already made after the UN House attack.

"One of the plans was for the president to brief the nation on the findings on the August 26 bombing and use it to assure Nigerians and the international community that the Federal Government was on top of the situation and to reassure investors on the government's ability to handle the challenge," a source told THISDAY.

But the IG, Hafiz Ringim, in what was supposed to be a behind-the-camera briefing of the diplomats and against the agreed method, announced the arrests, thus making nonsense of the proposed presidential briefing. He also said the president would still brief the nation.

THISDAY source said: "We are competing for space for credit, not work. What was there again for the president to say after the IG has announced the arrests?"

He further said: "Just as the intelligence agencies have penetrated the Boko Haram sect, the group has equally moved into the ranks of the agencies, because they quickly adjust their strategy almost as simultaneous as we plan against them."

[Description of Source: Lagos This Day Online in English -- Website of the independent daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Group Alleges Islamic Sect of Plotting Bomb Attack in Enugu State

AFP20110901581010 Abuja Daily Trust Online in English 2300 GMT 31 Aug 11

[Report by Beatrice Onuchukwu: "MASSOB Alleges Plans by Boko Haram To Bomb Enugu"]

Members of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) have alerted the nation on plans by the Muslim sect Boko Haram to bomb Enugu.

The group alleged that the sect has concluded plans to bomb Nike Lake Resort, venue of today's (1st Sept., 2011) South East Economic Summit, where governors of the South Eastern states and other stakeholders from the zone are billed to attend the meeting.

In a statement signed by the National Director of Information, MASSOB, Mr. Uchenna Madu, and made available to Daily Trust in Awka yesterday, the group alleged that the plans were uncovered by its intelligence arm, adding that brains behind it were some top politicians in the North who are not happy with the peace attained in the South East.

Part of the statement reads: "Information reaching MASSOB through Biafra Intelligence Agency (BIA) in Bauchi confirms that the primary aim of the attack is to instil fear in eastern region which will pave way for future onslaught in the region."

The statement further said: "In defence of Igboland from bloodshed, MASSOB wishes to alert organizers and guests at the South East Economic Summit, Enugu about a secret plot by Boko Haram to unleash terror at the venue of the meeting today.

"The chief initiators of the attack are some northern political/religious leaders who are not comfortable with the unity of purpose, co-operation and the spirit of oneness taking place in Igboland."

Madu said the group decided to alert Ndigbo as they cannot fold their hands and watch sons and daughters from 'Biafran territory' massacred in cold blood, adding that they got the intelligence report of the planned attack from Bauchi State.

He argued that MASSOB is not against Boko Haram and its agitation, but he warned that they should not carry their bombings into Biafran territory as they would be resisted.

The group however commended President Goodluck Jonathan for ordering the release of MASSOB's leader, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike and its members detained in various parts of the South East.

MASSOB also called on the Imo State Police Command to release three of its members arrested in Onitsha and detained in Owerri prisons on robbery charges.

[Description of Source: Abuja Daily Trust Online in English -- Website of the independent pro-North daily; URL:]

Nigeria: SSS Declares Boko Haram Extremist With Al-Qaida Link, Mamman Nur, Wanted Over Abuja UN House Bombing

AFP20110901614001 Abuja NTA Television in English 2000 GMT 31 Aug 11

Following the bomb attack on the United Nations Building last week, the State Security Service [SSS] has clarified certain speculations in the media.

[Begin recording] The State Security Services [SSS] has said that the intelligent reports obtained by the service on the 18th of August 2011 showed that some members of the Boko Haram extremist sect were on the mission to attack unspecified target in Abuja with an harsh color Toyota Camry vehicle.

Three days later, a joint operation by all the security services led to the arrest of two notorious leaders of the Boko Haram sect, Babagana Ismail Koijima also known as Sunmaya and Babagana Mali alias Bulama, they have made valuable statements.

Investigation also revealed that one, Mamman Nur, also a notorious Boko Haram member with al-Qaida link who recently returned from Somalia worked in contact with the two suspects and masterminded the attack on the United Nations Building in Abuja.

The SSS also revealed that the Honda car with Kano registration number which was used for the attack was purchased on the 3rd of September 2002.

The SSS said security was beefed up following the arrest of the suspects.

The service implored Nigerians to be more security conscious and vigilant and cooperate with security agencies by providing useful information that could lead to the arrest of Mamman Nur who have been declared wanted.

Any person with useful information which could lead to the arrest of the suspect and other accomplices should report to the nearest police station, military formation or any other security agency. [End recording]

[Description of Source: Abuja NTA Television Abuja in English--state-owned, government-controlled television]

Nigeria: Agency Names Masterminds of Abuja UN Explosion

AFP20110902686001 Port Harcourt The Port Harcourt Telegraph in English 01 Sep 11 p 1

[Unattributed report: "SSS Identifies UN House Bomber"]

The State Security Services [SSS] yesterday confirmed that an Al-Qa’ida trained Boko Haram member, Mamman Nur, and two others masterminded last Friday’s bombing of the United Nations [UN] House, Abuja. The SSS has declared Nur wanted.

It also claimed that it got intelligence report on planned attacks on major installations in Abuja by Boko Haram as early as 18 August.

The alert led to the arrest of two suspects, Babagana Ismail Kwaljima a.k.a Abu Summaya and Babagana Mali a.k.a Bulama, the SSS said in its first official statement on the UN House bombing. It was signed by its Assistant Director, Public Relations, Marilyn Ogar.

The statement said: "Investigation has revealed that one Mamman Nur, a notorious Boko Haram element with Al-Qa’ida links who returned recently from Somalia, working in concert with the two suspects, masterminded the attack on the United Nations [UN] building in Abuja.

"Further investigation has also revealed that the car used for the attack was a Honda car with Kano State registration number AV38NSR. It was purchased on 3rd September, 2002 and registered on 3rd December, 2002.

"The vehicle identification number is 1HGCBA7400A100748, Engine number, F22A72000540."

The SSS, however, claimed that contrary to insinuations, it took preemptive measures, following intelligence reports on likely attack on some public buildings in Abuja.

It added: "Owing to various speculations and misrepresentations in the media arising from the bomb attack on the United Nations (UN) building on 26th August, 2011 in Abuja, the Department of State Services [DSS], on behalf of other security agencies, wishes to state as follows:

"On 18th August, 2011, precise intelligence was obtained by this Service that some Boko Haram elements were on a mission to attack unspecified targets in Abuja in an ash-colour Toyota Camry vehicle with registration number AA539GBL

"On 21st August, 2011 about 1300 hours, joint operations by all security services led to the arrest of two notorious leaders of the Boko Haram extremists’ sect, namely, Babagana Ismail Kwaljima (a.k.a Abu Summaya); and Babagana Mali (a.k.a Bulama).

"Following their arrests, security was further beefed up in Abuja and its environs. Meanwhile, the suspects have made valuable statements and are being held at a military facility."

The SSS assured Nigerians of their safety and it restated its determination to ensure a peaceful and secure environment.

It added: "The security services wish to reiterate their commitment to ensuring that we have a safe, peaceful and secure environment. We want to reassure Nigerians that we have no other country and we must all strive to maintain its unity, which is currently being threatened.

"We implore all Nigerians to be more security conscious and vigilant, while urging the general public to co-operate with security agencies by providing useful information that could lead to the arrest of Mamman Nur, who is hereby declared wanted.

"Any person with useful information, which could lead to the arrest of the suspect and other accomplices, should report to the nearest Police station, military formations or any other security agency."

It would be recalled that part of UN House was brought down last Friday by a suicide bomber. The attack resulted to the death of 23 persons while several others were seriously injured. Extremist Islamic sect, Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the blast soon after it took place.

Meanwhile United States of America [USA] has warned her citizens to avoid Borno believed to be the base of the fundamentalists. The country also cautioned against visiting Plateau State.

The above official statement on Nigeria from the U.S. Department of State warning did not end there as its Bureau on Diplomatic Security also lamented the near non-existence of medical services in Nigeria, contending the ones available were not of standard.

The U.S said the warning which was issued before the general elections in May this year replaced the Travel Warning of October 19, 2010 and is still the stand of the U.S. as at today.

Part of the warning from its website notes the risk American citizens face in the country but specifically to Niger Delta States of Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers, maintaining that only essential travels need to be undertaken by Americans to these areas.

Other risk areas according to the warning are "the Southeastern states of Abia, Edo, Imo; the city of Jos in Plateau State, Bauchi and Borno States in the northeast; and the Gulf of Guinea because of the risks of kidnapping, robbery, and other armed attacks in these areas. Violent crime committed by individuals and gangs, as well as by persons wearing police and military uniforms, remains a problem throughout the country.

It said "This notice replaces the Travel Warning for Nigeria, dated October 19, 2010, to update information on violent activity and crime in Nigeria…

"In 2010, alleged Boko Haram members claimed responsibility for bombings in the country. A bomb exploded December 31, 2010, near a busy Abuja "fish bar," killing several people and injuring many others. On December 24, 2010, alleged Boko Haram members detonated several explosive devices in Jos, Plateau State, and conducted attacks against police and others in Maiduguri, Borno State, leading to significant casualties and property loss. In October 2010, Boko Haram members attacked various Nigerian government security personnel and facilities, government officials, and authority figures in northeastern Bauchi and Borno States…

"In September 2010, over 150 members of the Boko Haram extremist religious sect escaped from prison in Northeast Bauchi, some of whom may be participating in Boko Haram attacks in other parts of the country. Since March 2010, five improvised explosive devices have detonated in the Niger Delta region with one to three reported casualties.

"The U.S. Mission currently requires advance permission for U.S. government travel to these states, as well as the states of Abia, Edo, and Imo, the city of Jos in Plateau State, and Bauchi and Borno States, given the safety and security risk assessments and the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate General’s limited ability to provide assistance to people detained by Nigerian authorities in these states. U.S. citizens who are resident in these states are advised to review their personal security in light of the information contained in this Travel Warning.

"Nigeria is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society in which different ethnic and religious groups often coexist in the same geographic area. Travelers throughout the country should be aware that, in areas where such circumstances prevail, there is the potential for ethnic or religious-based disturbances. The States of Bauchi, Borno, and Plateau have experienced violence by fringe sects or inter-ethnic groups in the past year.

[Description of Source: Port Harcourt The Port Harcourt Telegraph in English -- Rivers State owned daily]

Nigeria: Cleric Calls On Governor To Probe Islamic Sect's Threat To Attack Kano

AFP20110902581006 Abuja Daily Trust Online in English 2300 GMT 01 Sep 11

[Report by Abbas Yushau Yusuf: "Investigate Boko Haram Scare in Kano, Kwankwaso Urged"]

Kano State Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso has been called upon to investigate the threat issued by Boko Haram sect to attack the state. This call was made by an Islamic cleric yesterday at the Centre for Democratic Research and Training in Kano.

According to Malam Rabiu Inuwa, "At the inception of the Kwankwaso administration, there were threats by the sect that if its members who are in police custody in the state are not released, Kano will be turned into another Maiduguri.''

He said the threat is an attempt by people he described as agents of destabilization to destabilize the relative peace in Kano, adding that the threat may not be from the Boko Haram group, but from disgruntled elements who don't want peace to reign.

Earlier in his remarks, Professor Ibrahim Naiya Sada of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, called on all Muslims in the country to unite, saying that is the only way they can overcome the challenges facing the ummah in Nigeria.

Sada said the Northern region where Muslims are more dominant is the most backward in terms of development as the region is ravaged by poverty. He urged the elite in the North to support their kith and kin through provision of education.

[Description of Source: Abuja Daily Trust Online in English -- Website of the independent pro-North daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Army Kills 2 Suspected Islamic Sect Members in Adamawa State

AFP20110902598012 Isheri Nigerian Compass Online in English 2300 GMT 01 Sep 11

[Unattributed report: "Soldiers Gun Down Two Boko Haram Suspects"]

Men of "Operation Tsaro", the military outfit maintaining peace in Adamawa State, yesterday in Song, gunned down two motorcyclists suspected to be members of the violent Boko Haram sect.

"One of the suspects was killed instantly, while the other was injured," Lt.-Col. Idachaba Idu, spokesman of the 3 Armoured Division of the Nigerian Army, said in Jos, the Plateau State capital, yesterday.

He said the suspects were armed with an AK47 rifle and two magazines loaded with 17 rounds of 7.62 calibre ammunition.

"The suspects tried to escape after firing a shot, but the soldiers from the 23 Brigade in Yola shot them down," Idu said.

On Wednesday, a fundamentalist, described as "a notorious Boko Haram element with al-Qaeda links who returned recently from Somalia", Mamman Nur, was declared wanted by the State Security Service (SSS) in connection with last Friday's suicide bombing of the United Nations (UN) building in Abuja.

Twenty-three people, 10 of whom were Nigerians, were killed in the blast.

Two of Nur's alleged associates, Babagana Ismail Kwaljima (Abu Summaya) and Babagana Mali (Bulama), are already in the SSS custody in connection with the blast.

The Service also confirmed that the vehicle the suicide bomber used was a Honda Accord car with registration number AV38NSR Kano.

There had been conflicting information over the vehicle the bomber rammed into the UN building with some saying that it was a Camry car, a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a Honda car.

However, the Department of State Services (DSS) yesterday confirmed the brand of the car, the registration number, time of purchase, time of registration and other particulars.

According to a statement from DSS Assistant Director, Public Relations, Marilyn Ogar, the arrested persons have given useful information on the bombing and the connection of the key suspect.

She said: "Owing to various speculations and misrepresentations in the media arising from the bomb attack on the United Nations (UN) building on 26th August, 2011, in Abuja, the Department of State Services (DSS), on behalf of other security agencies, wishes to state as follows:

"On 18th August, 2011, precise intelligence was obtained by this Service that some Boko Haram elements were on a mission to attack unspecified targets in Abuja in an ash-coloured Toyota Camry vehicle with registration number AA539GBL

"On 21st August, 2011 about 1300 hours, a joint operations by all security services led to the arrest of two notorious leaders of the Boko Haram extremists sect, namely: Babagana Ismail Kwaljima (a.k.a Abu Summaya) and Babagana Mali (a.k.a Bulama).

"Following their arrests, security was further beefed up in Abuja and its environs. Meanwhile, the suspects have made valuable statements and are being held at a military facility.

"Investigation has revealed that one Mamman Nur, a notorious Boko Haram element with Al-Qaeda links, who returned recently from Somalia, working in concert with the two suspects, masterminded the attack on the United Nations (UN) building in Abuja.

"Further investigation has also revealed that the car used for the attack was a Honda car with Kano State registration number AV38NSR. It was purchased on 3rd September, 2002 and registered on 3rd December, 2002. The vehicle identification number is 1HGCBA7400A100748, Engine number, F22A72000540.

"The security services wish to reiterate their commitments to ensuring that we have a safe, peaceful and secure environment. We want to reassure Nigerians that we have no other country and we must all strive to maintain its unity which is currently being threatened.

"We implore all Nigerians to be more security conscious and vigilant, while urging the general public to cooperate with security agencies by providing useful information that could lead to the arrest of Mamman Nur who is hereby declared wanted.

"Any person with useful information which could lead to the arrest of the suspect and other accomplices shou ld report to the nearest police station, military formations or any other security agency."

[Description of Source: Isheri Nigerian Compass Online in English -- Website of the privately owned newspaper close to former Rivers State Governor Peter Odili; URL:]

Report Says Nigeria 'Under Pressure' To Tackle Islamic Sect Insurgency

AFP20110904581015 Lagos The Guardian Online in English 2300 GMT 03 Sep 11

[Report by Laolu Akande: "...US, Others Warn Against Excessive Force on Boko Haram"]

Nigeria seems to be under pressure from Western agencies and capitals, especially from the United States on how to handle the rising Boko Haram insurgency and its attendant links to international terrorism.

While diplomats from Western nations like the US are urging caution in the use of military approach, which appears to be the preference of the Nigerian security authorities, officials of the United Nations have repeatedly demand that justice be served, regarding perpetrators of the recent bombing of the UN House in Abuja.

A UN spokesperson disclosed that the world body is insisting that justice must be done and seen to be done on behalf of the 23 people killed in the attack.

To ensure that justice is served and investigations proceed to a logical conclusion, a UN spokesperson confirmed over the weekend that the world body has stationed a security liaison official in Nigeria to monitor the investigation.

Those who spoke under anonymity said, "We don't comment on ongoing investigations, but an investigation, led by the Nigerian Government, is under way, and the UN Department of Security and Safety has a liaison officer on the ground with respect to this investigation."

While the UN is calling for swift justice, other Western diplomats are taking a broader approach urging some level of caution, especially because top officials of the federal government security system are said to be keen on a military approach to contain the Boko Haram attacks, which many agree have become an eyesore for the country in recent times.

An informed source said the debate within the Presidency over the use of necessary force to outwit the Boko Haram operations has often led to intense controversy with some of the very senior security chiefs threatening to resign because of the perceived inaction against the Boko Haram operations in the country.

While military and security chiefs and advisers to President Goodluck Jonathan have called for use of necessary force to stop the insurgency, political advisers are calling for a more reconciliatory approach.

However, during this past week, a news report in New York Times quoted the American Ambassador in Nigeria Terence P. McCulley, calling for a middle of the road approach in a story titled 'Western officials seek softer approach to militants in Nigeria."

According to the report, the US Ambassador said of the US; "I think we'd like to see Nigeria take a more holistic approach," in an interview conducted the week following the devastating terror attack on the UN building in Abuja.

Referring to the killing of the Boko Haram leader and the offensive against the group in 2009, McCulley said, " the 2009 tactics may have contributed to the current direction."

Although he conceded that US interests might be targets of the attacks of the UN bombing, the US envoy noted that the Nigerian security forces should "address the grievances" of the northern population on economic and social matters.

Interestingly, McCulley's views are largely similar to a report also during the week by the influential Council for Foreign Relations (CFR), which released a background study on Boko Haram.

The CFR study confirmed that Boko Haram is becoming more sophisticated, pointing to the possibility that the group now had outside help, perhaps from the al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Somalia's al-Shabaab.

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