Notes: Another pool game, put together well. What else should I say?
Notes: They created it, and this one will complete the set for the terrible shooter masterpiece.
Title: Sidewinder
Title: Sidewinder (Dongle Version)
Manufacturer: Home Entertainment Suppliers (HES)
Manufacturer: Home Entertainment Suppliers (HES)
Release Date: 1991
Release Date: 1992
Rating: Uncommon
Rating: Scarce
Price: $2.00-$3.00, $3.00-$5.00
Location: All
Price: $2.00-$3.00, $5.00-$8.00
Location: All
Notes: Sigh.
Notes: Exactly the same as the other two versions of this game. For information on HES and the differences of these versions, see “4 in 1 Fun Blaster Pak.”
Notes: Exactly the same as the other two versions of this game. For information on HES and the differences of these versions, see “4 in 1 Fun Blaster Pak.”
Notes: Absolutely disturbing game that plays similar to “Rush ‘n Attack,” but with the worst controls and probably some of the worst graphics of all time. However, due to some very strange idiocy by way of design, this game is really worth a run through now and then. Your soldier faces everything from a killer computer to a killer clown at an amusement park. Someone explain the ending to me, please.