Title: The Adventures of Captain Comic (Black) (See Captain Comic: The Adventure [Black])
Manufacturer: FCI
Release Date: 1991
Rating: Scarce
Price: $3.00-$5.00, $15.00-$25.00
Location: 1, 2
Notes: Role-playing game taken from the computer version. Graphics are fairly stale with little color variation, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. The opening plot is exceptionally ludicrous.
Title: The Adventures of Captain Comic (Blue) (See Captain Comic: The Adventure [Blue])
Notes: Vertically scrolling, prehistoric action game. Very similar to the Adventure Island games, but its difficulty is sometimes a bit too much for less experienced players. Your highest power-up is you throwing images of your muscle bound self at enemies.
Title: Adventure Island (See Hudson’s Adventure Island)
Notes: Sequel to “Hudson’s Adventure Island.” Several new features are included in this version, the most interesting of which are the various dinosaurs you can use. Less repetitive than the original.
Notes: Final game in the Adventure Island trilogy for NES audiences. A fourth version was released in Japan, but nowhere else other than in pirate form. This version includes a few new features, but basically builds on the second game.
Notes: Same exact game as “Hudson’s Adventure Island,” only with a title change for PAL audiences. Not sure why they decided to alter the name. I guess the Pacific must be pretty exotic over there.