Notes: Action game that follows the television show very well. Lots of fun, tons of different things to do, and lots of fun to come back to from time to time. If you’ve seen the show, then you know what to expect. Complete your missions using skill and different items.
Notes: The board game the way it should be presented in video game format. Out of all of the systems this was released for, the NES version is definitely the best. Play can be adjusted and lots of interesting features are present. The computer tends to be a bit too easy sometimes, but plays generally well. Up to eight players can play.
Notes: Action game with a really odd plot. Lots of large bosses and interesting graphics. Very eerie atmosphere throughout with great music. You can change from your bat-wielding character to a flying monster when you power up.
Notes: It’s very difficult to explain why this game is good but at the same time why it’s bad, but let’s just say that is has features that “Bigfoot” lacks but also lacks what “Bigfoot” features. Not entirely bad, but with several details that can become annoying. You basically play and race through different events.