Operating System Fundamentals

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receiver) listens to the queue (often in a blocked state) waiting for the messages to arrive (see
Pipe). Mode – A level of an operating system used to separate resources accessible directly by the user and the operating system itself. Motherboard – The largest circuit board in a computer. It connects all other components to each other and to the CPU.
Multicore – a computer system consisting of multiple processor units (CPUs).

Operating System Fundamentals
95 Multiprocessor – a computer system consisting of multiple processor units (CPUs). Multitasking – The ability of an operating system to run multiple applications at the same time.
Multithreading – The ability of a CPU to process multiple instructions at the same time. Network adaptor controller – a specialized device controller that handles controlling network interface cards (NICs). New – a temporary process state used for the creation and addition of new processes in the Process Table, so that the operating system will not select the process for execution.
Non-deterministic solution – a coding (programming) solution where it is not possible to predict the outcome each time the code is executed.
Non-preemptable IO resources – IO resources that cannot be preempted, or taken away from a process, until the process using the resources has completed its task.
Non-preemptive switching – the operating system never interrupts the currently executing process, but waits for the process to release control voluntarily (see Cooperative Multitasking). Northern Bridge – A component that regulates the flow of information along the Front Side Bus between the CPU, AGP, RAM, and the IO busses.
NTFS – New Technology File System. File system used by the Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
NTFS – New Technology File System. The bit file system that is the primary file system used by newer versions of Windows (such as Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7). Operating system – System software concerned with the operation of the hardware, and managing access to system resources. Page – a segment of a processor thread that has been broken down into a unit of fixed size in order to manage the storage of the data/instructions in RAM and virtual memory. Page fault – an error that is generated when a page is requested by the CPU, but it is not currently listed in the Page Table (and, therefore, is not currently stored in RAM. The memory manager will then be responsible for located the requested page in virtual memory, and loading it into RAM so that the instruction can be re-executed by the CPU. Page file – a portion of a storage device (typically a hard disk) that has been allocated for use as virtual memory (see Swap file). Page request – a request by the CPU fora page needed in order to execute an instruction set. Page table – a record that is maintained by the memory manager to track the location and status of all pages in main memory (RAM. Paging device – a storage device that is being used to house a page file (typically a hard disk.

Operating System Fundamentals
96 Palm OS – An operating system used by Palm PDAs and mobile devices. Partition – a physical division of a hard disk. Partition Table – part of the Master Boot Record of a partitioned disk. It contains information about the size and type of partitions that have been created on a disk, including both the primary and extended partitions. Partitioning – formatting a hard disk into multiple units that act as separate disks, and that can be used for different purposes, or further formatted using different file systems and/or operating systems. Path – the location of a file or folder on a storage device.
PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect. A bus system used by newer IO devices.
PDA – Personal Digital Assistant. Physical memory – memory (RAM) installed on the motherboard. Pipe – an inter process communication system where one process (the sender) places a message into a queue (for delivery by the operating system, and another process (the receiver) listens to the queue (often in a blocked state) waiting for the messages to arrive (see Message queue). Platter – a metal or ceramic disk inside of a hard disk drive. Atypical hard disk contains several platters. Polling – a system where a thread continuously checks for the value of a variable until a required value is found (this system uses excessive CPU time, and consumes a lot of processing power.
Preemptable IO resources – IO resources that can betaken away from a process so that they can be used by another process. Preemptive multitasking – A multitasking model where the operating system regulates access to the CPU and system resources by applications and hardware. Preemptive switching – the operating system always has control of the computer byway of the interrupt service routine and will always be able to stop the currently executing process (see

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