Operational Plan Report

Implementing Mechanism Details

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Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 16989

Mechanism Name: Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Childwelfare/Childline Bloemfontein

Funding Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: Childwelfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


New Mechanism: Yes

Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

G2G: No

Managing Agency:

Total Funding: 584,037

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

CWBFN and CLFS have a solid welfare experience and a leading role in the welfare field in Free State Province as well as a statutory role. Child Welfare Bloemfontein and Childline Free-State will work with Department of Social Development (DSD) Free State to coordinate establishment of Child Care Forums within the Motheo District, with the focus of creating safety networks for orphans and vulnerable children, and families affected and infected by HIV & AIDS.

CWBFN and CLFS’s positive sexuality programme (PSP) target OVC aged 13 – 18 and focuses on HIV prevention education which empowers OVC’s to make informed choices and healthy life decisions regarding their sexuality. PSP program follows the curriculum endorsed by Department of Education and there is a close collaboration in implementing PSP and selecting target schools. CWBFN and CLFS has a good partnership with the Thuthuzela care centres for specialised support in cases of abuse; and the care centres are linked to other support structures such as the police and health facilities for necessary examinations. The 24/7 crisis line is used by the program to provide telephone counselling and necessary referral and tracking for service provision. The child protection interventions are provided by the social workers and they include early identification of abused children; referral to appropriate alternative place of care; support with court proceedings as well as continuous support to the OVC and the families affected by abuse and gender based violence. The structured positive parenting programme targets caregivers of the OVC and it’s aimed at improving the parenting and caring capacity of caregivers.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

Gender: Gender Equality


Motor Vehicles: Purchased


TBD Details

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Childwelfare/Childline Bloemfontein

Childwelfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount






The goal of Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State is to improve the well-being of identified Orphans and Vulnerable Children and their families through comprehensive support services that strengthen the capacity of families and communities to care for vulnerable children in districts and sub-districts with high HIV prevalence in the Free State Province. Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free-State has knowledge, experience and capability in providing child protection services and networking abilities to ensure safety and primary health care of vulnerable children and their families. Targets to be reached by December 2013 is 5400 learners from 180 schools in the 9 sub-districts; 360 Caregivers will be reached with parental information sessions and 2160 OVC will be reached with the ISIBINDI roll out in close partnership with NACCW. The program will be informed by an independent baseline evaluation underway in 2013. CW and CL Bloemfontein will continue to provide statutory support to DSD in the Free State Province. Key interventions will include positive sexuality programme which will empower OVC’s to make informed sexual choices and delay their sexual debut; specialised professsional support for abused children will continue to be a key intervention with involvement of other relevant service providers such as the police and temporary places of care; positive parenting programme will provide capacity to primary caregivers with the skills of parenting.

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 16990

Mechanism Name: Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Children in Distress (CINDI)

Funding Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: Children in Distress

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


New Mechanism: Yes

Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

G2G: No

Managing Agency:

Total Funding: 1,397,658

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

Community Care Project


Youth for Christ South Africa (YfC)

Overview Narrative

The Children in Distress (CINDI) program aims to improve the lives of OVC by providing a comprehensive range of services in 42 high schools in high prevalence districts in Kwa Zulu Natal Province. The program provides school-based HIV education and HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) and household level attention for children who require a home visit. School-based HIV education and HIV counseling and Testing (HCT), and sexuality counseling and more intensive household level is provided for the most vulnerable children. Through the school based HIV Education training teachers develop skills and schools develop systems to address vulnerability in their communities. Intensive household level attention through home visits by a trained child care worker will be provided for children that require this support. Their needs and those of their caregivers are assessed and support, referral and follow-up services ensure that the child has greater access to services. This program is implemented by three sub partners: Community Care Project (CCP), Lifeline and Youth for Christ (YFC). CCP focuses on Household based services, psychosocial and livelihood support services; Lifeline provides HCT at schools, and includes sexuality and HIV education in individual counseling sessions and provides professional psychological counseling as needed; YFC delivers HIV education at schools and focuses on Household based support to OVC. All sub partners use a standardized referral system using a standard tracking procedure. This program is based on an evidenced based intervention and uses innovative community dialogue methodology to deliver HIV prevention education in schools, communities and in the homes as well as to address gender based violence issues and to shift traditional gender roles.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

Gender: GBV


Gender: Gender Equality


Motor Vehicles: Purchased


TBD Details

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Children in Distress (CINDI)

Children in Distress

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount






The goal of this program is to build on an expanded partnership framework for enhancing access to quality services for orphans and vulnerable children within the greater uMgungundlovu district in KwaZulu-Natal province. The programme seeks to address the various needs of OVC and their families through achieving the three objectives: The first objective is to increase life skills and improve the well-being of 17 000 OVC each year in 42 schools through small group HIV prevention education, promoting behaviour change, improving access to counselling and testing. The second objective is to increase the knowledge, skills and competencies of primary caregivers and community members on parenting and basic OVC care and support through training.The third objective is to strengthen (current system) and sustain effective referral systems in order to increase access of comprehensive services by OVC to government departments, other NGOs, FBOs, CBOs and businesses as well as contribute to improved quality of service delivery to OVC .This program is implemented by three sub partners: Community Care Project (CCP), Lifeline and Youth for Christ (YFC); All sub partners use a standardized referral system using a standard tracking procedure which promotes provision of comprehensive services to families and communities to ensure that the needs of OVC are met. In terms of the program’s sub-partners Community Care Project (CCP) will provide services to 7400, LifeLine (LL) 3300 and Youth For Christ (YFC-KZN) 6300. The program will be informed by an independent baseline evaluation underway in 2013. The programme plans to expand and scale up activities that support OVC families to care for OVC using innovative and culturally sensitive interventions.

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 16991

Mechanism Name: Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Future Families

Funding Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: Future Families

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


New Mechanism: Yes

Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

G2G: No

Managing Agency:

Total Funding: 1,178,661

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

The Future Families OVC care model aims to ensure the financial sustainability of the family, contributing toward the OVC and their family exiting the program. This is addressed through the development of income generating activities including establishing relationships with businesses that provides employment at entry level positions for youth OVC. The youth OVC will be prepared for their future with career guidance and realistic planning which facilitates transition to adulthood through assistance with bursary applications; vocational training which increases the likelihood of securing employment. Future families program strengthens families through its structured granny and single mothers groups facilitated by social auxiliary workers. Future Families also combat poverty through innovative means of leveraging food from food banks. Department of Social Development is co funding the program and supports the program as its aligned to DSD’s priorities. Future Families interventions includes Early Childhood Development cognitive stimulation programme for children under 6 and enhancing parental guidance of primary care through a parenting intervention. The program also focuses on HIV Prevention and Life Skills targeting the 11 – 13 year olds through the Vhutshilo program; Vhutshilo program is an accredited and comprehensive peer education programme addressing life skills and HIV/AIDS education for 11-13 year olds. Developed by the Centre for the Study of Peer Education and Harvard School of Public Health/Vhutshilo and it assist adolescents to deal with sensitive issues in a safe environment and supports their decision to delay sexual debut and confront sexual decision making.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

Gender: GBV


Gender: Gender Equality


TBD Details

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms

Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support

Increasing women's access to income and productive resources

Increasing women's legal rights and protection

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - Future Families

Future Families

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount






The program strategy of the Future Families’ OVC Care Model is to provide high quality but cost effective, developmental social work services to the OVC and the families in which they live. The area of coverage is Gauteng Province in the City of Tshwane and the program will reach 8000 children by December 2013. The program will be informed by an independent baseline underway in 2013. Future Families program will assist adolescents to delay sexual debut and to make healthy sexual decisions through an accredited HIV Prevention Program, Vhutshilo which will target 11 - 13 years. Transition to adulthood is significant to Future Families and this will be achieved through involving unemployed youth in vocational training programme and application for bursary for tertiary education. Family strengthening is another focus of Future Families which targets the grannies and the single parents who are provided with a structured support groups facilitated by social auxiliary workers.

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 16992

Mechanism Name: Service Delivery and Support for Families Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) - HIV SA

Funding Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: HIVSA

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


New Mechanism: Yes

Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

G2G: No

Managing Agency:

Total Funding: 921,985

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

HIVSAs program focuses on community, health and social development systems strengthening initiatives through building and strengthening of the institutional of capacity of community based organizations (CBO) working with OVC and their links to South African Government. The program targets 50 community based organizations (CBO) in Gauteng Province. HIVSA will conduct a mapping exercise of the OVC services at the community level to identify gaps and strengthen links and referral. The mapping process will reveal the extent of the availability of the following services within municipal areas: nutritional support, child protection, legal documents, general healthcare, household economic strengthening, educational support, social services, HIV and sexual and reproductive health services as well as psychological support. The mapping process will be followed by CBO organizational capacity assessments to identify system strengthening needs which will inform the development of improvement plans for OVC services. The capacity areas included in the assessment will include: governance, management practices, human resources, financial resources, service delivery (OVC focused), external relations and sustainability. CBO assessments will be followed by management and organizational capacity development training which will be based on gaps identified during the organizational assessment; the training will be coupled by onsite mentoring support to the CBO’s and close monitoring. HIVSA will train 40 Social Auxiliary Workers to be based in the CBO’s that underwent assessment to strengthen their capacity and OVC programs. There will be Provision of accredited training of CBO-based Community Workers that supports OVC interventions and facilitates better support and referrals.

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