MAINTAINING TRUST • Is there a tradition of regulators whose behaviour is independent of the government of the day • What structures and processes will be used to protect the actual or perceived independence of the regulatory decision maker from political or other interests • Does the minister have power to give the regulator directions on how it should perform its functions If so, are these directions published and listed in the annual report • Is it clear that the minister does not have the power to direct the regulator on individual cases or decisions • Is it clear that independent regulators are not subject to the general direction of a ministry head and/or minister • If the regulator is supported by a Secretariat of ministry staff, are there protocols established so the regulator can be supported by those staff, without them facing material conflicts of duties in their work, due to the risk of conflicting directions or dual accountabilities? • Do the legislative conditions covering termination of the regulator’s board specify conditions and processes to avoid compromising independent regulatory decisions • Are there arrangements in place to manage any risks associated with pre- and post- appointment and employment of members of the governing body or staff of the regulator?