Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

Author(s): Wilson, MK (Wilson, Matthew K.); Lowe, WH (Lowe, Winsor H.); Nislow, KH (Nislow, Keith H.) Source

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Author(s): Wilson, MK (Wilson, Matthew K.); Lowe, WH (Lowe, Winsor H.); Nislow, KH (Nislow, Keith H.)

Source: JOURNAL OF FORESTRY  Volume: 112  Issue: 4  Pages: 337-345  DOI: 10.5849/jof.14-017  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Temporal Dynamics of the Cecal Gut Microbiota of Juvenile Arctic Ground Squirrels: a Strong Litter Effect across the First Active Season

Author(s): Stevenson, TJ (Stevenson, Timothy J.); Buck, CL (Buck, C. Loren); Duddleston, KN (Duddleston, Khrystyne N.)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 80  Issue: 14  Pages: 4260-4268  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00737-14  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Assessing Genetic Diversity among Brettanomyces Yeasts by DNA Fingerprinting and Whole-Genome Sequencing

Author(s): Crauwels, S (Crauwels, Sam); Zhu, B (Zhu, Bo); Steensels, J (Steensels, Jan); Busschaert, P (Busschaert, Pieter); De Samblanx, G (De Samblanx, Gorik); Marchal, K (Marchal, Kathleen); Willems, KA (Willems, Kris A.); Verstrepen, KJ (Verstrepen, Kevin J.); Lievens, B (Lievens, Bart)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 80  Issue: 14  Pages: 4398-4413  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00601-14  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Biodiversity of Cetoniinae beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in introduced and native habitats in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Author(s): Puker, A (Puker, Anderson); Ad'Vincula, HL (Ad'Vincula, Henrique L.); Korasaki, V (Korasaki, Vanesca); Ferreira, FNF (Ferreira, Felipe N. F.); Orozco, J (Orozco, Jesus)

Source: ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE  Volume: 17  Issue: 3  Pages: 309-315  DOI: 10.1111/ens.12069  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Intestinal helminth fauna of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the western Mediterranean: No effects of host body length, age and sex

Author(s): Mateu, P (Mateu, Paula); Raga, JA (Antonio Raga, Juan); Fernandez, M (Fernandez, Mercedes); Aznar, FJ (Javier Aznar, Francisco)

Source: MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE  Volume: 30  Issue: 3  Pages: 961-977  DOI: 10.1111/mms.12096  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Last glacial maximum environments in northwestern Patagonia revealed by fossil small mammals

Author(s): Tammone, MN (Tammone, Mauro N.); Hajduk, A (Hajduk, Adan); Arias, P (Arias, Pablo); Teta, P (Teta, Pablo); Lacey, EA (Lacey, Eileen A.); Pardinas, UFJ (Pardinas, Ulyses F. J.)

Source: QUATERNARY RESEARCH  Volume: 82  Issue: 1  Pages: 198-208  DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2014.04.015  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Diversity and structure of bacterial communities associated with Phanerochaete chrysosporium during wood decay

Author(s): Herve, V (Herve, Vincent); Le Roux, X (Le Roux, Xavier); Uroz, S (Uroz, Stephane); Gelhaye, E (Gelhaye, Eric); Frey-Klett, P (Frey-Klett, Pascale)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 16  Issue: 7  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 2238-2252  DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12347  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Differences in environmental enrichment generate contrasting behavioural syndromes in a basal spider lineage

Author(s): Bengston, SE (Bengston, Sarah E.); Pruitt, JN (Pruitt, Jonathan N.); Riechert, SE (Riechert, Susan E.)

Source: ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR  Volume: 93  Pages: 105-110  DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.04.022  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Epidemic Clostridium difficile Strains Demonstrate Increased Competitive Fitness Compared to Nonepidemic Isolates

Author(s): Robinson, CD (Robinson, Catherine D.); Auchtung, JM (Auchtung, Jennifer M.); Collins, J (Collins, James); Britton, RA (Britton, Robert A.)

Source: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY  Volume: 82  Issue: 7  Pages: 2815-2825  DOI: 10.1128/IAI.01524-14  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Winners and losers of organic cereal farming in animal communities across Central and Northern Europe

Author(s): Birkhofer, K (Birkhofer, K.); Ekroos, J (Ekroos, J.); Corlett, EB (Corlett, E. B.); Smith, HG (Smith, H. G.)

Source: BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION  Volume: 175  Pages: 25-33  DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.04.014  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Effects of biosolids on biodiesel crop yield and belowground communities

Author(s): Adair, KL (Adair, Karen L.); Wratten, S (Wratten, Steve); Barnes, AM (Barnes, Anna-Marie); Waterhouse, BR (Waterhouse, Benjamin R.); Smith, M (Smith, Michael); Lear, G (Lear, Gavin); Weber, P (Weber, Paul); Pizey, M (Pizey, Mark); Boyer, S (Boyer, Stephane)

Source: ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 68  Pages: 270-278  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.03.083  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Taxon specific response of carabids (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and other soil invertebrate taxa on invasive plant Amorpha fruticosa in wetlands

Author(s): Brigic, A (Brigic, Andreja); Vujcic-Karlo, S (Vujcic-Karlo, Snjezana); Kepcija, RM (Kepcija, Renata Matonickin); Stancic, Z (Stancic, Zvjezdana); Alegro, A (Alegro, Antun); Ternjej, I (Ternjej, Ivancica)

Source: BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS  Volume: 16  Issue: 7  Pages: 1497-1514  DOI: 10.1007/s10530-013-0587-8  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Spatial and temporal organization of macroinvertebrate assemblages in a lowland floodplain ecosystem

Author(s): Starr, SM (Starr, Scott M.); Benstead, JP (Benstead, Jonathan P.); Sponseller, RA (Sponseller, Ryan A.)

Source: LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY  Volume: 29  Issue: 6  Pages: 1017-1031  DOI: 10.1007/s10980-014-0037-8  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Effects of surface current patterns on spatial variations of phytoplankton community and environmental factors in Sunda shelf

Author(s): Ke, ZX (Ke, Zhixin); Tan, YH (Tan, Yehui); Ma, YN (Ma, Yane); Huang, LM (Huang, Liangmin); Wang, SB (Wang, Songbo)

Source: CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH  Volume: 82  Pages: 119-127  DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2014.04.017  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Distribution patterns of microplastics within the plankton of a tropical estuary

Author(s): Lima, ARA (Lima, A. R. A.); Costa, MF (Costa, M. F.); Barletta, M (Barletta, M.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 132  Pages: 146-155  DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.03.031  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Spatial variability of macrobenthic zonation on exposed sandy beaches

Author(s): Veiga, P (Veiga, Puri); Rubal, M (Rubal, Marcos); Cacabelos, E (Cacabelos, Eva); Maldonado, C (Maldonado, Cristina); Sousa-Pinto, I (Sousa-Pinto, Isabel)

Source: JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH  Volume: 90  Pages: 1-9  DOI: 10.1016/j.seares2014.02.009  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Multiscale patterns in the diversity and organization of benthic intertidal fauna among French Atlantic estuaries

Author(s): Blanchet, H (Blanchet, Hugues); Gouillieux, B (Gouillieux, Benoit); Alizier, S (Alizier, Sandrine); Amouroux, JM (Amouroux, Jean-Michel); Bachelet, G (Bachelet, Guy); Barille, AL (Barille, Anne-Laure); Dauvin, JC (Dauvin, Jean-Claude); de Montaudouin, X (de Montaudouin, Xavier); Derolez, V (Derolez, Valerie); Desroy, N (Desroy, Nicolas); Grall, J (Grall, Jacques); Gremare, A (Gremare, Antoine); Hacquebart, P (Hacquebart, Pascal); Jourde, J (Jourde, Jerome); Labrune, C (Labrune, Celine); Lavesque, N (Lavesque, Nicolas); Meirland, A (Meirland, Alain); Nebout, T (Nebout, Thiebaut); Olivier, F (Olivier, Frederic); Pelaprat, C (Pelaprat, Corine); Ruellet, T (Ruellet, Thierry); Sauriau, PG (Sauriau, Pierre-Guy); Thorin, S (Thorin, Sebastien)

Source: JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH  Volume: 90  Pages: 95-110  DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2014.02.014  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Effects of urbanization on stream habitats and associated adult dragonfly and damselfly communities in central Brazilian Amazonia

Author(s): Monteiro, CS (Monteiro-Junior, C. S.); Juen, L (Juen, L.); Hamada, N (Hamada, N.)

Source: LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING  Volume: 127  Pages: 28-40  DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.03.006  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Conservation related conflicts in nest-site selection of the Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and the distribution of its avian prey

Author(s): Sumasgutner, P (Sumasgutner, Petra); Schulze, CH (Schulze, Christian H.); Krenn, HW (Krenn, Harald W.); Gamauf, A (Gamauf, Anita)

Source: LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING  Volume: 127  Pages: 94-103  DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.03.009  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Distribution and paleoecology of molluscan skeletal remains along an upwelling tract: Benguela system, Namibian shelf

Author(s): Edelman-Furstenberg, Y (Edelman-Furstenberg, Yael)

Source: MARINE GEOLOGY  Volume: 353  Pages: 153-162  DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.04.011  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Plant host and soil origin influence fungal and bacterial assemblages in the roots of woody plants

Author(s): Bonito, G (Bonito, Gregory); Reynolds, H (Reynolds, Hannah); Robeson, MS (Robeson, Michael S.); Nelson, J (Nelson, Jessica); Hodkinson, BP (Hodkinson, Brendan P.); Tuskan, G (Tuskan, Gerald); Schadt, CW (Schadt, Christopher W.); Vilgalys, R (Vilgalys, Rytas)

Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY  Volume: 23  Issue: 13  Pages: 3356-3370  DOI: 10.1111/mec.12821  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: An enhanced method of evaluation, assessment, and statistical inference to assist management decisions on coastal access to rocky shores

Author(s): Kimura, S (Kimura, Scott); Waltz, GT (Waltz, Grant T.); Steinbeck, JR (Steinbeck, John R.); Wendt, DE (Wendt, Dean E.)

Source: OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT  Volume: 95  Pages: 241-253  DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.04.012  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Dietary history contributes to enterotype-like clustering and functional metagenomic content in the intestinal microbiome of wild mice

Author(s): Wang, J (Wang, Jun); Linnenbrink, M (Linnenbrink, Miriam); Kunzel, S (Kuenzel, Sven); Fernandes, R (Fernandes, Ricardo); Nadeau, MJ (Nadeau, Marie-Josee); Rosenstiel, P (Rosenstiel, Philip); Baines, JF (Baines, John F.)

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  Volume: 111  Issue: 26  Pages: E2703-E2710  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1402342111  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Elemental fingerprinting in otoliths reveals natal homing of anadromous Baltic Sea pike (Esox lucius L.)

Author(s): Engstedt, O (Engstedt, Olof); Engkvist, R (Engkvist, Roland); Larsson, P (Larsson, Per)

Source: ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH  Volume: 23  Issue: 3  Pages: 313-321  DOI: 10.1111/eff.12082  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Large-bodied fish migration and residency in a flood basin of the Sacramento River, California, USA

Author(s): Sommer, TR (Sommer, Ted R.); Harrell, WC (Harrell, William C.); Feyrer, F (Feyrer, Frederick)

Source: ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH  Volume: 23  Issue: 3  Pages: 414-423  DOI: 10.1111/eff.12095  Published: JUL 2014  


Author(s): Pacini, GC (Pacini, G. C.); Colucci, D (Colucci, D.); Baudron, F (Baudron, F.); Righi, E (Righi, E.); Corbeels, M (Corbeels, M.); Tittonell, P (Tittonell, P.); Stefanini, FM (Stefanini, F. M.)

Source: EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE  Volume: 50  Issue: 3  Pages: 376-397  DOI: 10.1017/S0014479713000495  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Disturbance from pond management obscures local and regional drivers of assemblages of primary producers

Author(s): Gallego, I (Gallego, Irene); Davidson, TA (Davidson, Thomas A.); Jeppesen, E (Jeppesen, Erik); Perez-Martinez, C (Perez-Martinez, Carmen); Fuentes-Rodriguez, F (Fuentes-Rodriguez, Francisca); Juan, M (Juan, Melchor); Casas, JJ (Jesus Casas, J.)

Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY  Volume: 59  Issue: 7  Pages: 1406-1422  DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12354  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Bacterial Targets as Potential Indicators of Diesel Fuel Toxicity in Subantarctic Soils

Author(s): van Dorst, J (van Dorst, Josie); Siciliano, SD (Siciliano, Steven D.); Winsley, T (Winsley, Tristrom); Snape, I (Snape, Ian); Ferraria, BC (Ferraria, Belinda C.)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 80  Issue: 13  Pages: 4021-4033  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03939-13  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Neither insects nor wind: ambophily in dioecious Chamaedorea palms (Arecaceae)

Author(s): Rios, LD (Rios, L. D.); Fuchs, EJ (Fuchs, E. J.); Hodel, DR (Hodel, D. R.); Cascante-Marin, A (Cascante-Marin, A.)

Source: PLANT BIOLOGY  Volume: 16  Issue: 4  Pages: 702-710  DOI: 10.1111/plb.12119  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Determining the relative sensitivity of benthic diatoms to atrazine using rapid toxicity testing: A novel method

Author(s): Wood, RJ (Wood, Rebecca J.); Mitrovic, SM (Mitrovic, Simon M.); Kefford, BJ (Kefford, Ben J.)

Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT  Volume: 485  Pages: 421-427  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.115  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Spatio-temporal changes in trophic categories of infaunal polychaetes near the four wastewater ocean outfalls on Oahu, Hawaii

Author(s): Shuai, XF (Shuai, Xiufu); Bailey-Brock, JH (Bailey-Brock, Julie H.); Lin, DT (Lin, David T.)

Source: WATER RESEARCH  Volume: 58  Pages: 38-49  DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.03.058  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Temperature impacts on anaerobic biotransformation of LNAPL and concurrent shifts in microbial community structure

Author(s): Zeman, NR (Zeman, Natalie R.); Renno, MI (Renno, Maria Irianni); Olson, MR (Olson, Mitchell R.); Wilson, LP (Wilson, L. Paige); Sale, TC (Sale, Thomas C.); De Long, SK (De Long, Susan K.)

Source: BIODEGRADATION  Volume: 25  Issue: 4  Pages: 569-585  DOI: 10.1007/s10532-014-9682-5  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Variation with Depth in Temperate Seagrass-Associated Fish Assemblages in Southern Victoria, Australia

Author(s): Hutchinson, N (Hutchinson, Neil); Jenkins, GP (Jenkins, Gregory P.); Brown, A (Brown, Andrew); Smith, TM (Smith, Timothy M.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 4  Pages: 801-814  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9742-9  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Nekton Community Structure Varies in Response to Coastal Urbanization Near Mangrove Tidal Tributaries

Author(s): Krebs, JM (Krebs, Justin M.); McIvor, CC (McIvor, Carole C.); Bell, SS (Bell, Susan S.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 4  Pages: 815-831  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9726-9  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Distribution of Diatoms Along Environmental Gradients in the Charlotte Harbor, Florida (USA), Estuary and Its Watershed: Implications for Bioassessment of Salinity and Nutrient Concentrations

Author(s): Nodine, ER (Nodine, Emily R.); Gaiser, EE (Gaiser, Evelyn E.)

Source: ESTUARIES AND COASTS  Volume: 37  Issue: 4  Pages: 864-879  DOI: 10.1007/s12237-013-9729-6  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Colored dissolved organic matter signature and phytoplankton response in a coastal ecosystem during mesoscale cyclonic (cold core) eddy

Author(s): Chiranjeevulu, G (Chiranjeevulu, Gundala); Murty, KN (Murty, K. Narasimha); Sarma, NS (Sarma, Nittala S.); Kiran, R (Kiran, Rayaprolu); Chari, NVHK (Chari, N. V. H. K.); Pandi, SR (Pandi, Sudarsana Rao); Venkatesh, P (Venkatesh, Pragada); Annapurna, C (Annapurna, C.); Rao, KN (Rao, K. Nageswara)

Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 98  Pages: 49-59  DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.03.002  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Big fish in shallow water; use of an intertidal surf-zone habitat by large-bodied teleosts and elasmobranchs in tropical northern Australia

Author(s): Tobin, AJ (Tobin, Andrew J.); Mapleston, A (Mapleston, Amos); Harry, AV (Harry, Alastair V.); Espinoza, M (Espinoza, Mario)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 97  Issue: 7  Pages: 821-838  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-013-0182-y  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Mechanisms of pollution induced community tolerance in a soil microbial community exposed to Cu

Author(s): Wakelin, S (Wakelin, Steven); Gerard, E (Gerard, Emily); Black, A (Black, Amanda); Hamonts, K (Hamonts, Kelly); Condron, L (Condron, Leo); Yuan, T (Yuan, Tong); van Nostrand, J (van Nostrand, Joy); Zhou, JZ (Zhou, Jizhong); O'Callaghan, M (O'Callaghan, Maureen)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION  Volume: 190  Pages: 1-9  DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.03.008  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Bird conservation values of off-reserve forests in lowland Nepal

Author(s): Dahal, BR (Dahal, Bhagawan R.); McAlpine, CA (McAlpine, Clive A.); Maron, M (Maron, Martine)

Source: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 323  Pages: 28-38  DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.03.033  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Natural establishment of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in burnt stands in Portugal

Author(s): Aguas, A (Aguas, Ana); Ferreira, A (Ferreira, Antonio); Maia, P (Maia, Paula); Fernandes, PM (Fernandes, Paulo M.); Roxo, L (Roxo, Luis); Keizer, J (Keizer, Jan); Silva, JS (Silva, Joaquim S.); Rego, FC (Rego, Francisco C.); Moreira, F (Moreira, Francisco)

Source: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT  Volume: 323  Pages: 47-56  DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.03.012  Published: JUL 1 2014  

Title: Changes in the fish species composition in the coastal zones of the Kuroshio Current and China Coastal Current during periods of climate change: Observations from the set-net fishery (1993-2011)

Author(s): Lu, HJ (Lu, Hsueh-Jung); Lee, HL (Lee, Hsiao-Ling)

Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH  Volume: 155  Pages: 103-113  DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2014.02.032  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Interactions between multiple large macrofauna species and nematode communities - Mechanisms for indirect impacts of trawling disturbance

Author(s): Ingels, J (Ingels, J.); Dashfield, SL (Dashfield, S. L.); Somerfield, PJ (Somerfield, P. J.); Widdicombe, S (Widdicombe, S.); Austen, MC (Austen, M. C.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY  Volume: 456  Pages: 41-49  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.03.009  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Epifaunal community structure and ammonium uptake compared for the invasive algae, Gracilaria salicornia and Acanthophora specifera, and the native alga, Padina thivyi

Author(s): Fukunaga, A (Fukunaga, Atsuko); Peyton, KA (Peyton, Kimberly A.); Thomas, FIM (Thomas, Florence I. M.)

Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY  Volume: 456  Pages: 78-86  DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.03.013  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Molecular and morphological evidence for conspecificity of two common Indo-Pacific species of Palythoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)

Author(s): Hibino, Y (Hibino, Yuya); Todd, PA (Todd, Peter A.); Yang, SY (Yang, Sung-yin); Benayahu, Y (Benayahu, Yehuda); Reimer, JD (Reimer, James Davis)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 733  Issue: 1  Pages: 31-43  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1587-5  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Assessment of vegetation and soil conditions in restored mangroves interrupted by severe tropical typhoon 'Chan-hom' in the Philippines

Author(s): Salmo, SG (Salmo, Severino G., III); Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.); Duke, NC (Duke, Norman C.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 733  Issue: 1  Pages: 85-102  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1766-4  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Benthic diatoms as indicators of long-term changes in a watershed receiving passive treatment for acid mine drainage

Author(s): DeNicola, DM (DeNicola, Dean M.); Stapleton, MG (Stapleton, Michael G.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 732  Issue: 1  Pages: 29-48  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-1842-4  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Taxonomic and functional successional patterns in macroinvertebrates related to flying dispersal abilities: a case study from isolated manmade ponds at reclaimed opencast coal mines

Author(s): Miguel-Chinchilla, L (Miguel-Chinchilla, Leticia); Boix, D (Boix, Dani); Gascon, S (Gascon, Stephanie); Comin, FA (Comin, Francisco A.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 732  Issue: 1  Pages: 111-122  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-1851-3  Published: JUL 2014  

Title: Endophytic fungi from leaves and roots of Vitis labrusca cv. Isabel in Pernambuco/Brazil

Author(s): de Lima, TEF (Feijo de Lima, Thais Emanuelle); de Oliveira, RJV (Vilela de Oliveira, Rafael Jose); Bezerra, JL (Bezerra, Jose Luiz); Cavalcanti, MAD (de Queiroz Cavalcanti, Maria Auxiliadora)

Source: SYDOWIA  Volume: 66  Issue: 1  Pages: 115-128  Published: JUN 30 2014  

Title: Factors controlling the frequency and biomass of submerged vegetation in outwash lakes supplied with surface water or groundwater

Author(s): Chmara, R (Chmara, Rafal); Szmeja, J (Szmeja, Jozef); Banas, K (Banas, Krzysztof)

Source: BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH  Volume: 19  Issue: 3  Pages: 168-180  Published: JUN 30 2014  

Title: Protecting the hand that feeds us: Seagrass (Zostera marina) serves as commercial juvenile fish habitat

Author(s): Bertelli, CM (Bertelli, Chiara M.); Unsworth, RKF (Unsworth, Richard K. F.)

Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN  Volume: 83  Issue: 2  Pages: 425-429  DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.08.011  Published: JUN 30 2014  

Title: Towards a predictive model to assess the natural position of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows upper limit

Author(s): Vacchi, M (Vacchi, Matteo); Montefalcone, M (Montefalcone, Monica); Schiaffino, CF (Schiaffino, Chiara F.); Parravicini, V (Parravicini, Valeriano); Bianchi, CN (Bianchi, Carlo Nike); Morri, C (Morri, Carla); Ferrari, M (Ferrari, Marco)

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