Author(s): Baring, RJ (Baring, Ryan J.); Fairweather, PG (Fairweather, Peter G.); Lester, RE (Lester, Rebecca E.)
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Volume: 461 Pages: 397-406 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.09.011 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Feeding ecology of juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus in an estuarine nursery habitat: Influence of prey-predator interactions
Author(s): Mendes, C (Mendes, C.); Ramos, S (Ramos, S.); Bordalo, AA (Bordalo, A. A.)
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Volume: 461 Pages: 458-468 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.09.016 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Fish trophic engineering: Ecological effects of the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum (Georges Bank, northwestern Atlantic)
Author(s): Smith, BE (Smith, Brian E.); Collie, JS (Collie, Jeremy S.); Lengyel, NL (Lengyel, Nicole L.)
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Volume: 461 Pages: 489-498 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.09.009 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Effects of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) on a representative macrobenthic community from two estuaries at different stages of invasion
Author(s): Sampaio, E (Sampaio, Eduardo); Rodil, IF (Rodil, Ivan F.)
Title: The influence of geomorphology on the composition of aquatic flora and fauna within a temporary pond network
Author(s): Florencio, M (Florencio, Margarita); Serrano, L (Serrano, Laura); Siljestrom, P (Siljestrom, Patricia); Fernandez-Zamudio, R (Fernandez-Zamudio, Rocio); Garcia-Murillo, P (Garcia-Murillo, Pablo); Diaz-Paniagua, C (Diaz-Paniagua, Carmen)
Source: REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL Volume: 62 Issue: 4 Pages: 1587-1595 Published: DEC 2014
Author(s): Matono, P (Matono, P.); Bernardo, JM (Bernardo, J. M.); Costa, AM (Costa, A. M.); Ilheu, M (Ilheu, M.)
Source: RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 30 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1281-1295 DOI: 10.1002/rra.2780 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Communities of galling insects on Neoboutonia macrocalyx trees in continuous forests and remnants of forest fragments in Kibale, Uganda
Author(s): Malinga, GM (Malinga, G. M.); Valtonen, A (Valtonen, A.); Vesterinen, EJ (Vesterinen, E. J.); Nyeko, P (Nyeko, P.); Roininen, H (Roininen, H.)
Title: New records of aphyllophoroid fungi from Aguascalientes, Mexico and an approach to their ecological preferences
Author(s): Urbizu, M (Urbizu, Miren); Siqueiros, ME (Elena Siqueiros, Maria); Abrego, N (Abrego, Nerea); Salcedo, I (Salcedo, Isabel)
Source: REVISTA MEXICANA DE BIODIVERSIDAD Volume: 85 Issue: 4 Pages: 1007-1018 DOI: 10.7550/rmb.35264 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Preliminary analysis of the biodiversity and structure for tree and scrubs in the mountain cloud forest on the Transversal Volcanic System from Michoacan, Mexico
Author(s): Santana, G (Santana, Gerardo); Mendoza, M (Mendoza, Manuel); Salinas, V (Salinas, Vicente); Perez-Salicrup, D (Perez-Salicrup, Diego); Martinez, Y (Martinez, Yolotzin); Aburto, I (Aburto, Isela)
Source: REVISTA MEXICANA DE BIODIVERSIDAD Volume: 85 Issue: 4 Pages: 1104-1116 DOI: 10.7550/rmb.41519 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Delivery of terrigenous material to submarine fans: Biological evidence of local, staged, and full-canyon sediment transport down the Ascension-Monterey Canyon system
Title: Artificial marine habitats favour a single fish species on a long-term scale: the dominance of Boops boops around off-shore fish cages
Author(s): Riera, R (Riera, Rodrigo); Sanchez-Jerez, P (Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo); Rodriguez, M (Rodriguez, Myriam); Monterroso, O (Monterroso, Oscar)
Source: SCIENTIA MARINA Volume: 78 Issue: 4 Pages: 505-510 DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04083.08A Published: DEC 2014
Title: Long-term monitoring reveals differing impacts of elephants on elements of a canopy shrub community
Author(s): Landman, M (Landman, Marietjie); Schoeman, DS (Schoeman, David S.); Hall-Martin, AJ (Hall-Martin, Anthony J.); Kerley, GIH (Kerley, Graham I. H.)
Title: Selective-logging and oil palm: multitaxon impacts, biodiversity indicators, and trade-offs for conservation planning
Author(s): Edwards, DP (Edwards, David P.); Magrach, A (Magrach, Ainhoa); Woodcock, P (Woodcock, Paul); Ji, YQ (Ji, Yinqiu); Lim, NTL (Lim, Norman T. -L.); Edwards, FA (Edwards, Felicity A.); Larsen, TH (Larsen, Trond H.); Hsu, WW (Hsu, Wayne W.); Benedick, S (Benedick, Suzan); Khen, CV (Khen, Chey Vun); Chung, AYC (Chung, Arthur Y. C.); Reynolds, G (Reynolds, Glen); Fisher, B (Fisher, Brendan); Laurance, WF (Laurance, William F.); Wilcove, DS (Wilcove, David S.); Hamer, KC (Hamer, Keith C.); Yu, DW (Yu, Douglas W.)
Title: The Ilyocypris puzzle: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of phenotypic variability
Author(s): Mazzini, I (Mazzini, Ilaria); Gliozzi, E (Gliozzi, Elsa); Rossetti, G (Rossetti, Giampaolo); Pieri, V (Pieri, Valentina)
Source: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY Volume: 99 Issue: 6 Pages: 395-408 DOI: 10.1002/iroh.201301729 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Geochemical, geological and hydrological influence on ostracod assemblages distribution in the hyporheic zone of two Mediterranean rivers in central Spain
Author(s): Iepure, S (Iepure, Sanda); Meffe, R (Meffe, Raffaella); Carreno, F (Carreno, Francisco); Rasines, RL (Rasines, Ruben L.); de Bustamante, I (de Bustamante, Irene)
Source: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY Volume: 99 Issue: 6 Pages: 435-449 DOI: 10.1002/iroh.201301727 Published: DEC 2014
Author(s): Kooyman, RM (Kooyman, Robert M.); Wilf, P (Wilf, Peter); Barreda, VD (Barreda, Viviana D.); Carpenter, RJ (Carpenter, Raymond J.); Jordan, GJ (Jordan, Gregory J.); Sniderman, JMK (Sniderman, J. M. Kale); Allen, A (Allen, Andrew); Brodribb, TJ (Brodribb, Timothy J.); Crayn, D (Crayn, Darren); Feild, TS (Feild, Taylor S.); Laffan, SW (Laffan, Shawn W.); Lusk, CH (Lusk, Christopher H.); Rossetto, M (Rossetto, Maurizio); Weston, PH (Weston, Peter H.)
Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY Volume: 101 Issue: 12 Pages: 2121-2135 DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1400340 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Beetle succession and diversity between clothed sun-exposed and shaded pig carrion in a tropical dry forest landscape in Southern Mexico
Author(s): Caballero, U (Caballero, Ubaldo); Leon-Cortes, JL (Leon-Cortes, Jorge L.)
Source: FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL Volume: 245 Pages: 143-150 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.10.040 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Organic farming and heterogeneous landscapes positively affect different measures of plant diversity
Author(s): Rader, R (Rader, Romina); Birkhofer, K (Birkhofer, Klaus); Schmucki, R (Schmucki, Reto); Smith, HG (Smith, Henrik G.); Stjernman, M (Stjernman, Martin); Lindborg, R (Lindborg, Regina)
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 6 Pages: 1544-1553 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12344 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Tropical forest fires and biodiversity: dung beetle community and biomass responses in a northern Brazilian Amazon forest
Author(s): de Andrade, RB (de Andrade, Rafael B.); Barlow, J (Barlow, Jos); Louzada, J (Louzada, Julio); Vaz-de-Mello, FZ (Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.); Silveira, JM (Silveira, Juliana M.); Cochrane, MA (Cochrane, Mark A.)
Source: JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 1097-1104 DOI: 10.1007/s10841-014-9719-4 Published: DEC 2014
Title: The effect of long-term macrolide treatment on respiratory microbiota composition in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: an analysis from the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled BLESS trial
Author(s): Rogers, GB (Rogers, Geraint B.); Bruce, KD (Bruce, Kenneth D.); Martin, ML (Martin, Megan L.); Burr, LD (Burr, Lucy D.); Serisier, DJ (Serisier, David J.)
Source: LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Volume: 2 Issue: 12 Pages: 988-996 DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(14)70213-9 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Analyses of sublittoral macrobenthic community change in a marine nature reserve using similarity profiles (SIMPROF)
Author(s): Somerfield, PJ (Somerfield, P. J.); Burton, M (Burton, M.); Sanderson, WG (Sanderson, W. G.)
Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Volume: 102 Special Issue: SI Pages: 51-58 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2014.06.004 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Testing a 'genes-to-ecosystems' approach to understanding aquatic-terrestrial linkages
Author(s): Crutsinger, GM (Crutsinger, Gregory M.); Rudman, SM (Rudman, Seth M.); Rodriguez-Cabal, MA (Rodriguez-Cabal, Mariano A.); McKown, AD (McKown, Athena D.); Sato, T (Sato, Takuya); MacDonald, AM (MacDonald, Andrew M.); Heavyside, J (Heavyside, Julian); Geraldes, A (Geraldes, Armando); Hart, EM (Hart, Edmund M.); LeRoy, CJ (LeRoy, Carri J.); El-Sabaawi, RW (El-Sabaawi, Rana W.)
Title: Contribution of cocoa agroforestry systems to family income and domestic consumption: looking toward intensification
Author(s): Cerda, R (Cerda, Rolando); Deheuvels, O (Deheuvels, Olivier); Calvache, D (Calvache, David); Niehaus, L (Niehaus, Lourdes); Saenz, Y (Saenz, Yara); Kent, J (Kent, Justine); Vilchez, S (Vilchez, Sergio); Villota, A (Villota, Alejandra); Martinez, C (Martinez, Carlos); Somarriba, E (Somarriba, Eduardo)
Source: AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS Volume: 88 Issue: 6 Special Issue: SI Pages: 957-981 DOI: 10.1007/s10457-014-9691-8 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along an environmental gradient in the Brazilian semiarid
Author(s): da Silva, IR (da Silva, Iolanda Ramalho); de Mello, CMA (Aragao de Mello, Catarina Maria); Neto, RAF (Ferreira Neto, Reginaldo Alves); da Silva, DKA (Alves da Silva, Danielle Karla); de Melo, AL (de Melo, Andre Laurenio); Oehl, F (Oehl, Fritz); Maia, LC (Maia, Leonor Costa)
Title: Comparison of ecological diversity and species composition of macroalgae, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages between two tropical rocky reefs
Author(s): Garcia-Hernandez, VC (Garcia-Hernandez, Veronica C.); Reyes-Bonilla, H (Reyes-Bonilla, Hector); Balart, EF (Balart, Eduardo F.); Rios-Jara, E (Rios-Jara, Eduardo); Lluch-Cota, SE (Lluch-Cota, Salvador E.); Serviere-Zaragoza, E (Serviere-Zaragoza, Elisa)
Source: REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA MARINA Y OCEANOGRAFIA Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Pages: 477-+ Published: DEC 2014
Title: Seasonal and spatial patterns of intertidal molluscs diversity of Robalo Bay, Beagle Channel, Biosphere Reserve Cape Horn, Chile
Author(s): Ojeda, J (Ojeda, Jaime); Rosenfeld, S (Rosenfeld, Sebastian); Marambio, J (Marambio, Johanna); Rozzi, R (Rozzi, Ricardo); Mansilla, A (Mansilla, Andres)
Source: REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA MARINA Y OCEANOGRAFIA Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Pages: 493-509 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Pollinator-mediated phenotypic selection does not always modulate flower size and number in the large-flowered Mediterranean shrub Cistus ladanifer (Cistaceae)
Author(s): Teixido, AL (Teixido, Alberto L.); Valladares, F (Valladares, Fernando)
Source: BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY Volume: 176 Issue: 4 Pages: 540-555 DOI: 10.1111/boj.12217 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Defining Critical Habitats of Threatened and Endemic Reef Fishes with a Multivariate Approach
Author(s): Purcell, SW (Purcell, Steven W.); Clarke, KR (Clarke, K. Robert); Rushworth, K (Rushworth, Kelvin); Dalton, SJ (Dalton, Steven J.)
Title: High resilience of galling insect communities to selective and clear-cut logging in a tropical rainforest
Author(s): Malinga, GM (Malinga, G. M.); Valtonen, A (Valtonen, A.); Nyeko, P (Nyeko, P.); Roininen, H (Roininen, H.)
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TROPICAL INSECT SCIENCE Volume: 34 Issue: 4 Pages: 277-286 DOI: 10.1017/S1742758414000460 Published: DEC 2014
Title: The role of native forest plantations in the conservation of Neotropical birds: the case of the Andean alder
Author(s): Castano-Villa, GJ (Castano-Villa, Gabriel J.); Estevez, JV (Estevez, Jaime V.); Fonturbel, FE (Fonturbel, Francisco E.)
Source: JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION Volume: 22 Issue: 6 Pages: 547-551 DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2014.08.010 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Twenty years of observed and predicted changes in subtidal red seaweed assemblages along a biogeographical transition zone: inferring potential causes from environmental data
Author(s): Gallon, RK (Gallon, Regis K.); Robuchon, M (Robuchon, Marine); Leroy, B (Leroy, Boris); Le Gall, L (Le Gall, Line); Valero, M (Valero, Myriam); Feunteun, E (Feunteun, Eric)
Source: JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY Volume: 41 Issue: 12 Pages: 2293-2306 DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12380 Published: DEC 2014
Title: Specialized and stranded: habitat and biogeographical history determine the rarity of plant species in a semi-arid mountain range
Title: Pelagic Sargassum community change over a 40-year period: temporal and spatial variability
Author(s): Huffard, CL (Huffard, C. L.); von Thun, S (von Thun, S.); Sherman, AD (Sherman, A. D.); Sealey, K (Sealey, K.); Smith, KL (Smith, K. L., Jr.)
Title: Biodiversity, ecological structure, and change in the sponge community of different geomorphological zones of the barrier fore reef at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize
Author(s): Villamizar, E (Villamizar, Estrella); Diaz, MC (Diaz, Maria C.); Rutzler, K (Ruetzler, Klaus); De Nobrega, R (De Nobrega, Renato)