In the MobileFirst adapter, ensure that an event source is declared.
Android devices must be registered with Google and have internet connectivity to access Google services. iOS devices must be registered with Apple and have internet connectivity to access Apple services.
On iOS,
to send push notifications, the following sandbox servers must be accessible from MobileFirst Server:
On iOS, to send push notifications, the following production servers must be accessible from MobileFirst Server:
v On Android, the following steps are required if your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to or from the internet:
Configure the firewall to allow connectivity with Google Cloud Messaging
(GCM) in order for your GCM client apps to receive messages. The ports to open are 5228, 5229, and 5230. GCM typically uses only 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. GCM does not provide a specific IP address. You must allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google ASN of 15169. For more information,
see Implementing an HTTP Connection Server.
Ensure that your firewall accepts outgoing connections from MobileFirst Server to on port For
Maximo Asset Management Server, the Maximo Anywhere push notification rules are configured as part of Maximo Asset Management, which uses Maximo
Integration Framework,
endpoints, and JMS services to push notifications to
MobileFirst Server. The Maximo Asset Management Server must be able to communicate with MobileFirst Server on port 443, port 80, or the MobileFirst configuration port. For information about MobileFirst push notification architecture, seethe MobileFirst Knowledge Center.
About this taskPush notification is the ability of a mobile device to receive messages that are pushed from a server. Notifications are received regardless of whether the app is running. Each app that is enabled for push notifications has an adapter for this capability.
Maximo Anywhere, the notifications are in two forms:
A notification that allows the user to launch-in-context to the specific record v
An alert that sends information to a user
To enable push notifications in Maximo Asset Management,
on the MaximoAsset Management administrative workstation, in the install_home\7600\
uncomment the NOTF MDB text blocks in the following files:
Configuring Maximo Anywhere
13 v ejb-jar-notf.xml v weblogic-ejb-jar-notf.xml v ibm-ejb-jar-bnd-notf.xmi
Rename the following files:
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