D E PLOY MEN Tb bGbbU IDE bb 108 Table 16. Traffic S CENARIO Connection of client to Server with synchronization 2 T RAFFIC FROM CLIENT COMPUTER TO A DMINISTRATION S ERVER , KB 8 –20 T RAFFIC FROM A DMINISTRATION S ERVER TO CLIENT COMPUTER , KB 11 –50 T OTAL TRAFFIC ( FOR A SINGLE CLIENT COMPUTER ), KB 20 –70 The traffic varies considerably depending on whether the option to use multicast IP delivery is used or not. If this option is used, the total traffic decreases approximately by N times, where N stands for the total number of running computers in the administration group. R EGULAR DATABASE UPDATES This section describes the scenario of regular database updates, when a client receives all the updates released by Kaspersky Lab according to schedule (seethe table below. Table 17. Traffic S CENARIO Regular database updates 3