2 Enhancing Performance Under Stress Stress Inoculation Training for Battlefield Airmen training and optimization of performance of two battlefield airmen specialties pararescue and combat control.
[P]ararescuemen, also known as PJs, are the only Department of Defense specialty specifically trained and equipped to conduct conventional or unconventional rescue operations. These Battlefield Airmen are the ideal force for personnel recovery and combat search and rescue. A pararescueman’s primary function is as a
personnel recovery specialist, with emergency medical capabilities in humanitarian and combat environments. They deploy in any available manner, to include air-land-sea tactics, into restricted environments to authenticate, extract, treat, stabilize
and evacuate injured personnel, while acting in an enemy- evading, recovery role. PJs participate in search and rescue, combat search and rescue, recovery support for NASA and conduct other operations as appropriate.
controllers, generally referred to as CCTs, are assigned to special tactics squadrons to deploy undetected into combat and hostile environments to establish assault zones or airfields, while simultaneously conducting air traffic control,
fire support, command and control, direct action, counter-terrorism,
foreign internal defense, humanitarian assistance and special reconnaissance We selected PJs and CCTs because these career specialties are known to include stress as an integral component of training (Manacapilli et al., 2007). Additional information on the PJ and CCT training pipeline is provided in a following section on how the Air Force approaches SIT.
The primary question addressed by this research was Is the Air Force doing everything it canto prepare battlefield airmen to perform successfully under stressful conditions Therefore, to the extent that stress is anticipated for other battlefield airmen, the research,
general principles, and training approaches presented in this report would certainly apply.
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