Quantum Caring Leadership- Integrating Quantum Leadership With Caring Science
Unitary Convergence QL Science and Transpersonal CS While QL theory and science has evolved in scholarship and practices, that scholarly work has not been explicitly located within a distinct disciplinary, nursing-specific theoretical foundation. In the meantime, CS has evolved separately from QL science yet resides within the shared quantum unitary worldview. However, CS has not been linked directly to QL scholarship, even though CS scholarship is consistent with quantum thinking. By transposing CS and QL into a disciplinary matrix context, there is a congruence. This congruence is at the philosophical- ethical, ontological, and theoretical levels. The new integration unites quantum and caring leadership toward a distinct disciplinary foundation for new leadership practices and principles. Drawing upon the core unitary, quantum aspects of QL and CS, unitary disciplinary-specific commonalities are recognized. These comprise shared, nursing ethic, ontological, philosophical, epistemology, and praxis convergence for Quantum Caring HealthCare Leadership.