13NFL1-Compulsory Voting Page 34 of 163 www.victorybriefs.com Thus, the benefits of compulsory voting are definitely debatable. And for every benefit the advocates of compulsory voting would assume, a negative study is likely to be found which will question the foundation of such advantages. The topic literature will most certainly lend itself to good substance debates. In summary, the terrain of the debate will contrast voting as a form of expression against voting as a form of duty. Debaters on the affirmative will argue that voting is a duty and a service to all the citizenry. The affirmative will claim that harms caused by voter apathy and low turnout include a wide range of potential harms from political engagement to government efficiency. Meanwhile, the negative side of the debate allows for voting to be a form of expression aright reserved for the individual. The negative will suggest that the benefits are minimal and the costs remain high if not outright infringements of voter rights and autonomy.