13NFL1-Compulsory Voting Page 59 of 163 www.victorybriefs.com COMPULSORY VOTING ENCOURAGES THE STATE TO MAKE VOTING EASIER, WHICH INCREASES TURNOUT. Bart Engelen 07, Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research]"Why Compulsory
Voting Can Enhance Democracy,
Acta Politica, 2007, 42, (23-39). Proponents of compulsory voting argue that it motivates politicians ‘tomake the system voter friendly (MacKerras
and McAllister, 1999, 223). Thismeans that voting procedures will be facilitated wherever voting iscompulsory it is reasonable to expect the state to make voting a relatively painless experience (yin order to ensure a high rate of compliance (Hill,2002a, 2). This includes all kinds of measures that minimize
the effort neededto vote, resulting in even higher turnout levels (Hill, b, 90
–91; Jackman,2001, 16317;
Keaney and Rogers, 2006, 21–25;
Nie and Kim, 1978,288). Compulsory voting and other turnout-increasing measures thus functionin a mutually reinforcing way.
More importantly, voter-friendliness must beunderstood as a raised responsiveness of the government to its citizens needs.As
you only count if you vote, you should do so in order to make sure thegovernment looks after your concerns. Compulsory voting thus ‘encouragesincumbent governments to protect everybody’s interests (Hill, b, 88).