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Some earlier estimates of the size and contribution of the sector are presented initially. The first source is the Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) of 2005-06 carried out by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. This survey covers only units which fall under the ambit of the Factories Act and can, therefore, be considered as large-scale units. Therefore, the CMI does not

cover units which employ less than ten people. Also, the non-response rate in this census is high at 45 percent. Table 2.1 gives the magnitude of indicators of size as revealed by the CMI. In 2005-06 value added by the sector was estimated at Rs 61 billion, equivalent to 6 percent of the value added in the large-scale manufacturing sector. Almost 82 percent is reported as value added by
OEMs and only 18 percent by auto parts manufacturers. Clearly, the contribution by the latter is substantially understated because many of the units are relatively small. According to the Census employment in the sector was estimated at 28269 in 2005-06.

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