AT Theft/terrorism NUCLEAR STATES WILL NOT GIVE WEAPONS TO TERRORISTS “Give nukes a chance Can the spread of nuclear weapons make us safer?”By Drake Bennett | March 20, 2005 named a 2007 Barry M. Goldwater Scholar. Bennett was one of 317 Goldwater Scholars who were selected on the basis of academic merit from afield of 1,110 mathematics, science and engineering students nominated by the faculties of colleges and universities nationwide. John J. Mearsheimer, apolitical scientist at the University of Chicago and another preeminent realist thinker, describes himself as closer to Waltz than to Allison on the issue. Mearsheimer agrees with Waltz, for example, that nuclear states, no matter how 'rogue' are unlikely to give their weapons to terrorists. Whatever its sympathies, Mearsheimer argues, 'Iran is highly unlikely to give nuclear weapons to terrorists, in large part because they would be putting weapons into the hands of people who they ultimately did not control, and there's a reasonably good chance that they would get Iran incinerated' if the weapon was traced back to the regime in Tehran. 'Any country that gave nuclear weapons to terrorists who would use them against the US' Mearsheimer adds, 'would disappear from the face of the earth'