NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS WILL HAVE MINIMAL EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AT SUCH A LEVEL. Flower, Merlin. "Nuking the Oil Spill Nuclear Option Being Considered" CRUDE OIL PRICE Oil | Energy | Petroleum | Oil Price | Crude Oil Charts | Oil Price Forecast. 24 May 2010. Web. 25 Aug. 2010. . So that takes us to the next criticism-possible effects on the flora, particularly the phytoplankton and the marine organisms including fishes. But the spill itself, if unchecked, could cause more damage than the results of the explosion. Further, many tests have been carried underwater and no serious damage has been reported. Another blocker for the nuke option is that it would have to be government operated and a final solution. This goes against capitalism. There is much more money to be made by funding cleaning operations which have no end insight. As dire times call for drastic steps, the better option is a nuclear explosion or be prepared to see carcass of innocent animals washed ashore.
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