21st Century Grammar Handbook

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21st century grammar
21st century grammar, transformation, transformation, - - - .pdf;filename*= UTF-8''অনুবাদ চর্চা (প্রথম আলো পত্রিকা থেকে-২৯-০৩-২০২০)-1, 21st century grammar
Catch, caught, caught. An irregular verb in its main, past tense, and past participle
Caught. See catch.
Censor, censure. These homonyms soundalike to some people but have di erent meanings. A censor is a person who checks things for acceptability and removes o ensive matter, while censure is condemnation of someone for acting badly. The words are also verbs.
Censure. See censor.

Century. The word century is commonly miscapitalized and erroneously hyphenated in compound words. Centuries should appear in lower case unless they are parts of titles of works, captions, or being emphasized for some other reason It happened in the thirteenth century They should not be hyphenated when they function as nouns, as in the example just given. When centuries are used as
adjectives, they are hyphenated I read an eighteenth-century novel set in fourteenth-century Spain When centuries are capitalized, as either nouns or adjectives, both elements of the compound are upper case: Variations in Nineteenth-
Century Grammar See also capitalization, hyphen, and emphasis.
Cf. This abbreviation for compare or see should be conned to footnotes or endnotes and should not appear in the main text. Even in notes, it is better to use the English word rather than the Latin abbreviation.
Choose, chose, chosen. An irregular verb in its main, past tense, and past
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