- Spin-up The drive is spinning up following initial application of power and has not yet reached full speed. This demands about 14 Wand is particularly demanding of the power supply (if the supply is marginal or overloaded, the hard drive might not spin-up properly.
- Seek This is a random-access operation by the disk drive as it tries to locate the required track for reading or writing. This demands about 8.5- to 9.0 W.
- Read/write A
seek has been completed, and data is being read from or written to the drive. This uses about 5.0 W.
- Idle This is a basic power-conservation mode, where the drive is spinning and all
other circuitry is powered on, but the head actuator is parked and powered off. This drops power demands to about 4 W, yet the drive is capable of responding to read commands within 40 ms.
- Standby The spindle motor is not running (the drive spins down. This is the main power-conservation mode, and it requires just 1 W. It might require up to several seconds for the drive will leave this mode (or spin-up) upon receipt of a command that requires disk access.
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