rotate the spindle motor to ensure positive engagement. Be sure that the disk is properly inserted into the floppy-drive assembly. If the diskette does not enter and seat just right within the drive, disk access will be impossible. Try several different diskettes to ensure that the test diskette is not defective. It might be necessary to partially disassemble the computer to access the drive and allow you to seethe overall assembly. Free or adjust any jammed assemblies or linkages to correct disk insertion. If you cannot get
diskettes to insert properly, change the floppy drive. 580 Floppy Drives For cleaning and testing your floppy drive, checkout AUTOTEST.ZIP, CHKDRV.ZIP, CLEAN4.ZIP, and DFR.ZIP on the companion CDSymptom 16-2. The
floppy drive rotates a disk, but will not seek to the desired track This type of symptom generally suggests that the head-positioning stepping motor is inhibited or defective, but all other floppy-drive functions are working properly. Begin by disassembling your computer and removing the floppy drive.
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