Com 226 comp trouble shooting II theory book

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Dealing With Spills
Accidental spills are probably the most serious and dangerous keyboard problem. Coffee, soda pop, and even tap water is highly conductive (even corrosive. Your keyboard will almost certainly short circuit. Immediately shutdown your computer (you might be able to exit your application using a mouse) and disconnect the keyboard. The popular tactic is to simply let the liquid dry. The problem with this tactic is that most liquids contain minerals and materials that are corrosive to metals—your keyboard will never be the same unless the offending liquid is removed before it dries. Also, liquids tend to turn any dust and smoke

film into a sticky glue that will just jam the keys when dry (not even considering the sticky sugar inmost soda pop. Disassemble the keyboard’s main housings and remove the keyboard printed-circuit assembly. As quickly as you can after the incident, rinse the assembly thoroughly in clean, room-temperature, de-mineralized water (available from any pharmacy for contact lens maintenance. You can clean the plastic housings separately. Do not use tap water. Let the assembly drip dry in air. Do not attempt to accelerate the drying process with a hairdryer or other such heat source. The de-mineralized water should dry clean without mineral deposits or any sticky, conductive residue. Once the assembly is dry, you might wish to squirt a small amount of good-quality, electronics-grade contact cleaner into each key switch to ensure that no residue is on the contacts. Assuming that the keyboard’s circuitry was not damaged by the initial spill, you should be able to reassemble the keyboard and continue using it without problems. If the keyboard behaves erratically (or not at all, replace the keyboard outright.

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