GOD AND HIS PEOPLE D OCTRINE OF THE CHURCH AND S ACRAMENTS Understanding the theology of the church and the role it plays in the life of the believer. Special consideration given to the sacraments of baptism and the Lords Supper. CHURCH H ISTORY Survey of church history from its origins in the first century through the modern day, taking into consideration major figures, events, and challenges faced by Christians. MISSIONARIES AND M ARTYRS An overview of the great missionaries throughout church history, as well as those whose faithful ministry led them to give their life for the gospel. INQUIRERS C LASS Introduction to the vision and distinctives of Uptown Church and the PCA as a denomination. Also, an overview of spiritual gifts and guidance on whereto get involved in the church. W ORSHIP Overview of the biblical doctrine and practice of worship. Explores the role of worship in the life of the believer as well as addressing contemporary controversies over worship music, with special attention given to the regulative principle. CHRISTIAN M ARRIAGE Survey of the biblical teachings on marriage and its importance to the furtherance of God's Kingdom. Also offers practical steps for how to develop a marriage and a home built on Christ. RAISING C HRIST -C ENTERED CHILDREN INA M E -C ENTERED W ORLD Godly principles for raising children to do more than obey outward regulations, but to love and obey God from the heart. Utilizes case studies and examples from parents in the congregation. THEA RT OF SERVANT L EADERSHIP Explores the definition of biblical leadership as it is patterned after the humble service of Christ himself. Focuses upon how the body is called to serve and love one another. TEACHER T RAINING Provides a theological and practical framework for how to teach the Bible to others. Suitable for all believers, but particularly Life Group Leaders and Sunday Schoolteachers. MENTOR T RAINING Introduction to the role and function of a biblical mentor as well as practical guidelines for how to effectively shepherd those people who are being mentored.