International Journal of Latest
Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Is
sue VIIIS, August 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
Page 98 in that case will help to overcome this problem by providing a proper life style that one can afford in their own native nation.
3. Global markets and marketing related activities allow many companies
to get fierce from Foreign Competition. So, even big players from developed countries have no option but to meet with these challenges as well. That’s why they are always in search of new forms of the markets for doing their marketing based activities that too on large scale.
4. For dealing with new markets mostly many countries across the world tries to get under developed countries which allows having 25 to 30% of international trade.
5. International Trade allows the developed countries of the world to give grants in the form of aids to other under developed countries of the world. It helps to provide financial assistance by helping these countries to have their growth and development.
They also help them to create better business opportunities for them.
B: OTHER REASONS: 1. Sometimes the domestic market does not allow people to have fuller utilization of resources of the business. Thus, the businessmen used to face the problem of economies of the scale.
2. International market and marketing activities allows the companies to go and get labour where labour costs are much lesser. This helps to get and acquire raw materials also from these companies.
3. International marketing activities will also allow many countries of the world to earn foreign exchange by giving special tax rebate in order to attract MNCs to establish their business in their country.
4. It is also helpful in conducting product testing for many countries before actually launching the product in the market.
5. For any country in the World the technological advancements will allow them to make the best use of resources that they have got with them. In this way they can have an exchange of ideas and sharing of technology with each other. This will be highly beneficial for the society as well as for the economy.