Topic-117: Acoustic Analysis of Vowels The experts of phonetics are particularly interested in analyzing vowels acoustically. They describe vowels in terms of numbers (in a language that how many vowels are possible. It is also possible to analyze vowel sounds so that the measurement of the actual frequencies of the formants (the formant structure of the vowels of a language) is taken. Having taken these formants of vowel sounds, they can be represented graphically (plotting them on chart) as given for English vowels in your textbook. The figure (given in your textbook) gives the average of a number of authorities values of the frequencies of the first three formants in eight American English vowels. The first three formants of the eight vowels of the American English words heed, hid, head, had, hod, hawed, hood, who’d have been taken. Explore the acoustic features of these vowels as recorded by the authors (Ladefoged and Johnson. Subsequently (after your Praat sessions, at the end of this course, you will be able to record your own vowels and try to see how your own vowels compare with these.