13 invitations modeled on Year 1). This meeting will focus strongly on policy implications of our work and will also be devoted to sustaining RPN’s collaborative research activities and resources over the long haul. The SC will identify additional funding resources to support comparative research for ongoing empirical projects by RPN collaborators and develop a coordinated plan for submitting proposals to these funders. The PIs will conduct a follow- up to the third year survey focused on both dissemination and assessment of the RCN. The
PIs in collaboration with the SC will design an edited book to highlight
innovative intellectual, methodological and policy ideas from the RPN.
Year 5 outputs: funding strategy with coordinated proposal sequence (PIs); generating funding proposals (All); edited volume on substantive and methodological advances of RPN (PIs with SC); and institutionalizing RPN via CROP and the University of Washington (PIs).
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