SCE group ER004 SCE group title Communications Systems Telecommunications equipment required during a major incident to enable coordination of emergency response, muster and evacuation. To ensure that all personnel on board or at site at any location are made aware of any need for mustering or abandonment once the decision has been made. To ensure that the communications systems and information required for emergency response control, platform evacuation, and with all external parties identified in the emergency plan, are available. At system level SCE group ER005 SCE group title Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) UPS systems provide secure power supplies to feed essential systems when the normal supply fails. To provide an uninterrupted power supply to the vital services during a major incident when normal power fails. Typical UPS systems comprise batteries, rectifiers, inverters, cabling, ESD and EDP systems. They typically supply fire and gas system, PA audio and visual alarms, SOLAS communications (offshore), navigation aids and helideck lighting (offshore) At item level