Their method was simple. Young men were kidnapped and knocked unconscious with hashish. They were taken to a garden filled with beautiful black-eyed houris in a harem decorated with rivers of milk and honey. The young men were told that they were in paradise. They were promised they could return and live there forever if they sacrificed themselves as an assassin of whomever they were commanded to kill.
The men were knocked out again, and shoved out into the world to carryout the assassination mission. Meanwhile, the Old Man of the Mountain sent
a messenger to the caliph or, whatever wealthy ruler from
whom they demanded payment,
demanding camel-loads of gold, spices incense or other valuables. If
payment did not arrive on time, the assassin would be sent to kill the offending party. There was virtually no defense against the unknown assailant who wanted nothing more
than to carryout his mission, be killed and return to "heaven. This is a very crude example of how simple and effective a brainwashing and mind-control operation can be when it is used skillfully, and forcefully. It is a small scale demonstration of how the amnesia mind- control operation is used against the entire IS-BE population of Earth by the "Old Empire.
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