194 (Footnote) Therefore, most of their work was concerned with manipulating alterations of the basic genetic pattern to produce variations of lifeforms that would be suitable inhabitants for various planetary classes. The "Arcadia Regeneration Company" specialized in mammals for forested areas and birds for tropical regions. Our marketing staff negotiated contracts with various planetary governments and independent buyers from allover the universe. The technicians created animals that were compatible with the variations in climate, atmospheric and terrestrial density and chemical content. In addition we were paid to integrate our specimens with biological organisms engineered by other companies already living on a planet. In order to do this our staff was in communication with other companies who created lifeforms. There were industry trade shows, publications and a variety of other information supplied through an association that coordinated related projects. As you can imagine, our research required a great deal of interstellar travel to conduct planetary surveys. This is when I learned my skills as a pilot. The data gathered was accumulated in huge computer databases and evaluated by biological engineers.