
"... an IS-BE called Ahura Mazda"

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166 "... an IS-BE called Ahura Mazda"
"Ahura Mazda (Ahura Mazdā) is the Avestan language name fora divinity exalted by Zoroaster as the one uncreated Creator, hence God. He is the nameless "Father Asura", that is, Varuna of the Rigveda. In this view, Zoroastrian mazda is the equivalent of the Vedic
medhira, described in Rigveda 8.6.10 as the "revealed) insight into the cosmic order.
Ahura Mazda is seen as the Ahura par excellence, superior to both *vouruna and *mitra, and the nameless "Father Asura" of the Rigveda and is a distinct divinity. The Zoroastrian

faith is thus described by its adherents as Mazdayasna, the worship of Mazda. In the Avesta, "Ahura Mazda is the highest object of worship. -- Reference back to

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