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181 "... Teotihuacan"
"Several authors, including Zecharia Sitchin and Graham Hancock, have repeated each other’s argument that there are major correspondences between the pyramids of Gizeh and those of Teotihuacan. The Pyramid of the Sun ism wide and 65 m high, constructed out of five successive layers of mud. Its ascent is via 242 stairs. The floor plan is rather close to that of the Pyramid of Khufu at Gizeh. The Pyramid of the Moon is much smaller 42 m high and 150 m wide, yet its summit is as high as that of Sun, because it sits on the site’s highest point. This feature can also be seen in Gizeh, where Khufu’s and
Khafre’s pyramid reach an equal height, even though one is taller than the other. The most obvious comparison, however, is that the layout of both the three pyramids at
Gizeh and the three main structures of Teotihuacan represent the Belt of Orion. The Pyramid of the Moon compares with the smallest pyramid on the plateau, the Sun Pyramid with
Khafre and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, which has the largest ground plan, but never was built into a full pyramid, compares with that of Khufu. Though there are individual differences, I would suggest that the same ingredients have been used, answering to the same general ground plan to represent the Belt of Orion, which in ancient Egypt was the symbol of Horus (not Osiris as Adrian Gilbert and Robert
Bauval have argued) and in the Mayan culture was part of the creation mythology. Local legends stated that the complex was built to transform men into gods. For sure, an alien space station could bean interpretation of that, but it is clear that the answer needs to be located in the domain of religion. On May 17, ca. 150 AD, the Pleiades rose just before the Sun in the predawn skies. This synchronization, known as the heliacal rising of the Pleiades, only lasted approx. 100 year. It is now suggested that it was this event that was at the origin of Teotihuacan. The sun and the Pleiades are important in the religious rituals. The Sun-Pleiades zenith conjunction marked what is known as the New Fire ceremony. Bernardino de Sahugun’s Aztec informants stated that the ceremony occurred at the end of every 52 year Calendar Round. The Aztecs and their predecessors had carefully observed the Pleiades, and on the expected night they were supposed to pass through the zenith, precisely at midnight, when the ceremony was performed" -- Reference
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