Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (

Indispensable among the modern studies of Lincoln and the Civil War are Peter J. Parish, The
American Civil War (London, 1975); James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom The Civil
War Era (New York, 1988); Philip Shaw Paludan, The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
(Lawrence, KS, 1994); David Herbert Donald, Lincoln (London, James G. Randall, Constitutional Problems under Lincoln, rev. edn. (Urbana, IL, 1951); Mark
E. Neely, The Fate of Liberty Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties (New York, 1991); Herman
Belz, Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism, and Equal Rights in the Civil War Era (New York, pp. Roy P. Basler, ed, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, 9 vols (New Brunswick, NJ) IV, pp. 270–1.
Gabor S. Boritt, Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream (Memphis, TN, Charles B. Strozier, Lincoln’s Quest for Union Public and Private Meanings (Urbana, IL, Mark E. Neely, The Last Best Hope of Earth Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America
(Cambridge, MA, 1993), Garry Wills, Lincoln at Gettysburg The Words that Remade America
(New York, 1992), and Paludan, Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, offer shrewd interpretations of Lincoln’s Unionism.
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln II, p. 222; IV, p. 426.
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln IV, pp. 264–5, 269.
LaWanda Cox, Lincoln and Black Freedom A Study in Presidential Leadership (Columbia, SC,
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln VII, p. 395.
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln II, pp. 89, 255–6; John G. Nicolay and John Hay,
Abraham Lincoln A History, 9 vols. (New York, 1890) II, p. Tyler Dennett, ed, Lincoln and the Civil War in the Diaries and Letters of John Hay (New York, repr. 1988), p. Mark E. Neely, The Civil War and the Two-party System in James M. McPherson, ed, “We
cannot escape History Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth (Urbana, IL, 1995), David Homer Bates, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office Recollections of the United States Military
Telegraph Corps during the Civil War (New York, 1907); William B. Hesseltine, Lincoln and
the War Governors (New York, 1955), pp. 141–3, 221–8, 265–9.
Hesseltine, Lincoln and the War Governors, p. F. B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln (New York, 1866), pp. 230–1; Robert S. Harper, Lincoln and the Press (New York, 1951), pp. 96–7, 184–7, Harold Holzer, comp. and ed, Dear Mr. Lincoln Letters to the President (Reading, MA, pp. 5–35; Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, pp. 19, Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, p. 245; Mark E. Neely, The Abraham
Lincoln Encyclopedia (New York, 1982), p. 220; Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay,
p. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, pp. 95–6, 281; Independent, 20 October 1864;
Holzer, Dear Mr. Lincoln, p. Waldo W. Braden, Abraham Lincoln Public Speaker (Baton Rouge, LA, David Donald, Lincoln Reconsidered Essays on the Civil War Era, 2nd. edn. (New York, pp. 57–60; William E. Gienapp, Abraham Lincoln and Presidential Leadership in James M.
McPherson, ed, “We cannot escape History Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth (Urbana,
IL, 1995), pp. 77–8.
Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, p. 139; Neely, Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia, p. 68. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, pp. 126–7.
Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, p. Donald, Lincoln, pp. 14–15 and passim.
Eric L. McKitrick, Party Politics and the Union and Confederate War Efforts in William
Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham, eds, The American Party Systems Stages of
Political Development (New York, 1967), pp. 117–51, presents a powerful case for the value of party to the Union cause Neely, The Civil War and the Two-party System pp. offers a cautionary note.

Richard Carwardine

Harry J. Carman and Reinhard H. Luthin, Lincoln and the Patronage (New York, 1943), pp. 228–60 and passim Allan G. Bogue, The Congressman’s Civil War (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 31–40, Robert J. Cook, Baptism of Fire The Republican Party in Iowa, 1838–1878 (Ames, IA, pp. 137, 142–3; Hesseltine, Lincoln and the War Governors, pp. 147–54; Bogue, The
Congressman’s Civil War, pp. 56–7.
Hesseltine, Lincoln and the War Governors, pp. 198–200, 314–15, 319–39.
McKitrick, Party Politics and the Union and Confederate War Efforts pp. 148–9, Harper, Lincoln and the Press, pp. 76, 87–91; Neely, Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia,
pp. Michael Burlingame, ed, Lincoln Observed Civil War Dispatches of Noah Brooks (Baltimore,
MD, 1998), pp. 1–11, 66; Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, pp. 26, 76, 138, 203; Harper,
Lincoln and the Press, pp. 173–5, 221, Of the 30,000 copies of the Morning Chronicle printed daily, 10,000 went to the Army of the
Potomac. Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, p. 146; Harper, Lincoln and the Press,
pp. 109–12, 175, Frank Freidel, ed, Union Pamphlets of the Civil War, 2 vols. (Cambridge, MAI, pp. 1–24.
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln VI, p. 264; Neely, The Civil War and the
Two-party System pp. Harper, Lincoln and the Press, pp. 263–4; Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln VI, pp. 251–2; Dennett, Diaries and Letters of John Hay, pp. 129, Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, p. 275; Carman and Luthin, Lincoln and the
Patronage, pp. 261–99; David E. Long, The Jewel of Liberty Abraham Lincoln’s Reelection and
the End of Slavery (Mechanicsburg, PA, 1994), pp. 187–93, 235–7 and passim.
Richard J. Carwardine, Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America (New Haven, CT, pp. 296–307.
Northwestern Christian Advocate (Chicago), August 13, 28, October 16, James H. Moorhead, American Apocalypse Yankee Protestants and the Civil War, 1860–1869
(New Haven, CT, 1978), pp. x, 39.
Northwestern Christian Advocate, June 12, September 4, 1861; Victor B. Howard, Religion and
the Radical Republican Movement, 1860–1870 (Lexington, KY, 1990), pp. 11–67; Moorhead,
American Apocalypse, p. William J. Wolf, The Almost Chosen People A Study of the Religion of Abraham Lincoln (New
York, 1959); Allen C. Guelzo, Abraham Lincoln and the Doctrine of Necessity Journal of
the Abraham Lincoln Association 18 (winter, 1997), pp. 57–81.
Granville Moody, A Life’s Retrospect Autobiography of Rev. Granville Moody, D.D., ed. Sylvester
Weeks (Cincinnati, OH, 1890), pp. 441–5; George Peck, The Life and Times of Rev. George
Peck (New York, 1874), pp. Howard, Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, p. Mark A. Noll, Both pray to the same God The Singularity of Lincoln’s Faith in the Era of the Civil War Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 18 (winter, 1997), pp. George R. Crooks, The Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal Church (New
York, 1890), pp. Robert D. Clark, The Life of Matthew Simpson (New York, 1956), pp. 238–40; J. Matthew
Gallman, Mastering Wartime A Social History of Philadelphia during the Civil War (Cambridge,
1990), pp. David B. Cheseborough, ed, God Ordained this War Sermons on the Sectional Crisis,
1830–1865 (Columbia, SC, 1991), pp. 6–8, Howard, Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, pp. 68–89; John R. McKivigan, The
War against Proslavery Religion Abolitionism and the Northern Churches (Ithaca, NY, 1984),
192–4; James M. McPherson, The Struggle for Equality Abolitionists and the Negro in
the Civil War and Reconstruction (Princeton, NJ, 1964), pp. New York Independent, September 1, October 27, November 3, 1864.
Basler, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln VIII, pp. 55–6. New York Christian Advocate and Journal, quoted in Moorhead, American Apocalypse,
p. Howard, Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, pp. 88–9; Dale Baum, The Civil War

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