Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
the Old South (Madison, WI, 1996); Robert William Fogel, Without Consent or Contract The
Rise and Fall of American Slavery (New York, Ira Berlin and Philip D. Morgan, eds, Culture and Cultivation Labor and the Shaping of Slave
Life in the Americas (Charlottesville, VA, 1993), pp. 1–45, 138–99, Leon F. Litwack, Been in the Storm so Long The Aftermath of Slavery (London, 1979), pp. Ibid, pp. 16, Ibid, p. 6; Ira Berlin et al., eds, Free at Last A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and
the Civil War (New York, 1992), pp. 180–1; Ira Berlin et al., eds, Freedom: A Documentary
History of Emancipation, 1861–1867, Series 1, Vol. Ii The Destruction of Slavery
1985), doc. 81, p. 269; doc. 37, p. 147; Been in the Storm, p. 10.
Destruction of Slavery, doc. 330, p. 812.
Been in the Storm, p. 51; Destruction of Slavery, doc. 37, p. 146; Susan Eva O’Donovan,
Becoming Free in the Cotton South (Cambridge MA, 2007), pp. 54–5.
Destruction of Slavery, docs. App, Ibid, docs. 266, 269, 276, 283, pp. 701, 703, 719–20, Ira Berlin et al., Slaves No More Three Essays on Emancipation and the Civil War (Cambridge,
1992), p. 15; Litwack, Been in the Storm, pp. 32–6; O’Donovan, Becoming Free, pp. Slavery and Emancipation


Destruction of Slavery, doc. 311, p. 775. Stephanie M. H. Camp, Closer to Freedom Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the
Plantation South (Chapel Hill, NC, and London, 2004), pp. 125–6; Destruction of Slavery,
docs. 12, 17, 101 n, pp. 89, 98, 300.
Litwack, Been in the Storm, p. 14; O’Donovan, Becoming Free, pp. 102–4; Camp, Closer to
Freedom, pp. 132–7; Berlin et al., Free at Last, pp. 124–5; O’Donovan, Becoming Free,
pp. 95–6; Destruction of Slavery, doc. 122, p. 326; Ira Berlin et al., eds, Freedom. A
Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861–1867, Series 1, Vol. III, The Wartime Genesis
of Free Labor The Lower South (Cambridge, 1990), doc. 156, pp. 671–2; Freedom: A
Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861–1867, Series 1, Vol. II, The Wartime Genesis of
Free Labor The Upper South (Cambridge, 1993), docs. 112, 89, pp. 445–6, 387–8.
Destruction of Slavery, docs. App, 275–6.
Upper South, docs. 4, 5, 28, pp. 116–17, 121 n, 177–82; Berlin et al., Free at Last, p. 116.
Upper South, docs. 63, 77, pp. 298–9, 338–42; Berlin et al., Free at Last, pp. Willie Lee Rose, Rehearsal for Reconstruction The Port Royal Experiment (New York, 1964);
Lower South, docs. 19, 8, pp. 183, 185, 127–8; James M. McPherson, The Negro’s Civil War:
How American Negroes Felt and Acted during the War for the Union (New York, 1965), p. 120.
Lower South, docs. 40, 8, 53, 36, pp. 279–80, 142, 317, 262; McPherson, The Negro’s Civil War,
pp. 141–2.
Lower South, doc. 41, pp. 282–3; Edwin S. Redkey, ed, A Grand Army of Black Men Letters
from African-American Soldiers in the Union Army, 1861–1865 (Cambridge, 1992), Letter p. 216; Free at Last, pp. 293, 306; American Social History Project, William Friedheim with
Ronald Jackson, Freedom’s Unfinished Revolution (New York, 1996), p. 152; McPherson,
Negro’s Civil War, p. 122; Lower South, doc. B, pp. 301–2; McPherson, Negro’s Civil War,
p. 113; Lower South, docs. App.
Destruction of Slavery, docs. 61, B, 62, pp. 204–5, 220, 221 n, 208; Ira Berlin et al., Freedom:
A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861–1867, Series 11, The Black Military Experience
(Cambridge, 1982), docs. 9–10, pp. McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 128–30.
Lower South, doc. 196, pp. 794–6; Black Military Experience, doc. 194, pp. 488–9; Ira Berlin and Leslie S. Rowland, eds, Families and Freedom A Documentary History of African-American
Kinship in the Civil War Era (New York, 1997), pp. 55–78; Berlin et al., Free at Last, pp. McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 124–5; Lower South, doc. 177, pp. 732–3; McPherson,
Negro’s Civil War, pp. 126–7; Berlin et al., Slaves No More, pp. 152–4.
Upper South, docs. 30–1, 97, pp. 185–6, 403; McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 141–2;
Destruction of Slavery, doc. 120, p. 324.
Destruction of Slavery, docs. ACE, F, G, pp. 528–9, 530–8; Upper South,
doc. 41, pp. 204–6; Black Military Experience, doc. 85, pp. 228–30; Upper South, doc. 190, p. 611; Destruction of Slavery, docs. 227, AB, pp. 601–4. Berlin and Rowland, Families and Freedom, pp. 23–6; Destruction of Slavery, docs. 235, AB, pp. 613, 615, 387–9; Berlin et al., Free at Last, pp. 356–8, 363–4, 367; Upper South,
doc. 125, pp. McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 122–3; Upper South, docs. 18, 226 n, pp. 150, 693; Lower
South, doc. 212, p. 845.
Upper South, docs. 20, 36, 102, 55, pp. 157, 191–2 and n, 416, McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 19–22, 28–35; Litwack, Been in the Storm, p. 64;
Black Military Experience, docs. 2, App McPherson, Negro’s Civil
War, pp. 201–3; Redkey, Grand Army, Letters 102–3, 89, pp. 233–4, 211; McPherson, Negro’s
Civil War, pp. 197–201.
Litwack, Been in the Storm, pp. 64–76; McPherson, Negro’s Civil War, pp. 183–92, 228–34;
Black Military Experience, docs. AB, 248, 252, pp. 689–90, 615, 618; McPherson, Negro’s
Civil War, pp. Berlin and Rowland, Families and Freedom, pp. 158–63, 193–201, 211; Berlin et al., Free
at Last, pp. 370–3; Julie Saville, Rites and Power Reflections on Slavery, Freedom and Political Ritual in Sylvia R. Frey and Betty Woods, eds, From Slavery to Emancipation in the
Atlantic World (London and Portland, OR, 1999), pp. 81–102; Thomas Wentworth Higginson,
Army Life in a Black Regiment (New York, 1984 edn.), p. 60.

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