FAR MONTH, FAR TERM - See BACK MONTH. FILL - When an order has been completely executed, it is described as filled. FILL OR KILL (FOK) ORDER - This means do it now if the option (or stock) is available in the crowd or from the specialist, otherwise kill the order altogether. Similar to an all-or-none (AON) order, except it is killed immediately if it cannot be completely executed as soon as it is announced. Unlike an AON order, the FOK order cannot be used as part of a GTC order. FOLLOW-UP ACTION - Term used to describe the trades an investor makes subsequent to implementing a strategy. Through these adjustments, the investor transforms one strategy into a diļ¬erent one in response to price changes in the underlying. FRONT MONTH - The first month of those listed by an exchange - this is usually the most actively traded contract, but liquidity will move from this to the second month contract as the front month nears expiration. Also known as the NEAR MONTH. !29