How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

• A common stumbling block to wealth

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• A common stumbling block to wealth
There is one emotion, which is the cause of the lack of wealth in the lives of many. Most people learn this the hard way. It is envy. For example, if you see a competitor depositing large sums of money in the bank, and you have only a meager amount to deposit, does it make you envious The way to overcome this emotion is to say to yourself, “Isn’t it wonderful I rejoice in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him greater and greater wealth To entertain envious thoughts is devastating because it places you in a very negative position therefore, wealth flows
from you instead of to you. If you are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity or great wealth of another, claim immediately that you truly wish for him greater wealth in every possible way. This will neutralize the negative thoughts in your mind and cause an ever-greater measure of wealth to flow to you by the law of your own subconscious mind.

Power of Your Subconscious for Wealth

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