Mam Decades after the show no longer was aired, many people
still remember the phrase, Just the facts, Mam
t. The conclusion or last section of the sermon is one of the most important sections. In this section, you may wish to briefly summarize
what was said earlier, emphasizing the main idea or theme. Then make an appeal for the congregation to reach a decision.
u. If you are not an experienced preacher, it is helpful to write out the entire text of a sermon in advance. This helps to reduce grammatical errors, and to arrive at better choices of wording. You can review the sermon and make improvements. It helps you organize your thinking. Although there have been some effective preachers in some cultures that delivered their sermons by
reading them to a congregation, it is generally better not to read them. Some preachers may highlight certain points within a written text, and use the highlighted text as a guide when preaching. It is generally better to preach from a brief outline or to preach without notes. Preaching with minimal notes allows the preacher to move around while speaking. It allows the preacher to have better eye contact with listeners. If you use an outline, you may insert
the outline in your Bible, so you can follow the outline and also read Scripture from the Bible.
v. The length of sermons varies from one culture to another. Don’t exceed the time that your congregation will listen. When a congregation stops listening, you are wasting your time and theirs.
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