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The website above also points out many discrepancies in the Qur’an. Page 10 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

Following is a website promoting Islam.

Like Christianity, Islam seeks to proselytize others—to win converts. A free hard copy of the Qur’an is available at the following website, and there is also free shipping within the United States.

Various websites offer free software downloads of the Qur’an and other materials. However, it is risky to download materials. When you download from a website that you are not certain is legitimate, you may download a virus that causes your computer to malfunction. When witnessing to Muslims—and people of any other faith—first seek areas of agreement. Somethings shared by Islam and Christianity include

Monotheism. Both faiths hold to one God. Muslims often misunderstand the concept of the Trinity to mean three gods Also Muslims may misunderstand the Trinity to mean God the Father, Jesus, and Mary When needed, you may need to carefully explain the Trinity refers to One God made known in three persons--The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Based on some verses in the Qur’an, Muslims often think that Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God in the sense that God had a marriage relationship with Mary. It is important to communicate that Jesus is God’s Unique Son (Only Begotten Son—John 3:13) born by the power of the Holy Spirit, not through asexual relationship between God and Mary. The Arabic word used in the Qur’an for son is walad, meaning a physical boy born out of a marriage relationship. But the Christian understanding of Jesus as Son is communicated in the Arabic translation of the New Testament by the Arabic word ibin, similar to the Old Testament word ben, meaning son of This word ibin in the New Testament means the Unique Son who obeyed the Father and revealed the Father Biblical prophets and patriarchs. The Qur’an refers to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and others. Biblical Books (see Authority above. Judgment to heaven or hell. Jesus was without sin Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet, but not the Son of God.
Brother Andrew suggests this approach to witnessing to Muslims
Use the Word of God

Be constantly in prayer

Be a genuine friend, showing genuine love for them. Page 11 of 24
APOLOGETICS - Comparative Religions

Ask thought-provoking questions

Do you ever think about God What is he like Do you know God personally If you were to die today, would you be sure of going to heaven What can you do about your sins What has Mohammed done for you What does your religion teach How are you saved from hell What do you believe about Jesus What do you think about Christians

Listen attentively.

Present your beliefs openly.

Never denigrate Mohammed or the Qur’an.

Respect their customs and sensitivities

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