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Module Examination - Missiology

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Module Examination - Missiology
1. Missiology is A. The study of cross-cultural communication of the Gospel. B. Missions work. C. Evangelism D. Providing food to starving people
2. The purpose of missions is to A. Make disciples B. Glorify God C. Overcome evil D. All of the above
3. God intended that the Jews be AA holy nation B. Missionaries to the world CA nation of priests D. All of the above
4. Jonah was called to preach repentance to A. His enemies B. The Ninevites CA and B D. None of the above
5. Missionaries in the New Testament included A. The Apostles B. Paul C. Other Christians D. All of the above
6. From 400 to 1200 AD, Catholics A. Promoted missions by establishing mission compounds B. Promoted missions by establishing worship in the language of the people CA and B D. None of the above
7. At first, Protestant missions focused on reaching A. People groups B. People of the coastlands C. People in the interior of countries D. None of the above
8. Protestant missions have been accomplished primarily by A. Mission organizations B. Churches C. Traveling evangelists D. None of the above Page 1 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

9. The Protestant who focused on reaching "homogeneous units" of people or "people groups" was A. William Carey B. Cameron Townsend C. Donald McGavran D. Hudson Taylor
10. Women have played an important role in missions among A. Catholics B. Protestants CA and B D. None of the above
11. To contextualize the Gospel means to A. Examine the context in which the Gospel is written B. Present the Gospel in a manner that a particular culture can accept C. Include Scripture in a Sermon D. None of the above
12. Dynamic equivalence means A. Presenting a dynamic sermon like that of the Apostle Peter B. Being equal to an evangelist C. Presenting the truth of the Gospel using concepts familiar to a people D. None of the above
13. A redemptive analogy is AA comparison of redemption with repentance B. Comparing redemption in the Bible with a similar concept understood by a people group C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B
14. Self-propagating churches A. Proclaim the Gospel B. Obey the Ten Commandments C. Evangelize D. Reproduce themselves
15. Paul planted churches and helped to keep them faithful to God by A. Staying with them long enough to teach essential doctrine B. Sending letters to them C. Appointing elders D. All of the above
16. A church planting movement A. Happens fast B. Includes churches that multiply C. Occurs within a people group D. All of the above
17. Peter, James, and Paul Page 2 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

A. Required that Greek Christians adopt many Jewish ceremonial laws B. Minimized the number of Jewish ceremonial laws required for Greeks C. Required that Jews adapt to Greek customs D. None of the above
18. The ultimate goal of a church planting movement is A. To multiply churches B. To reach a people group C. To glorify God D. To save souls
19. Garrison identified the following element in each of five church planting movements A. House churches or cell groups B. Prayer C. Local leadership D. All of the above
20. The concept of cell groups AIs taken from the idea of cells multiplying in a body B. Is based on a ministry in prison cells C. Allows a leader some control over the groups DA and C
21. Teaching Scripture in the heart language of the people A. Helps to assure that they will remain faithful B. Results in more conversions C. Encourages self-propagation of churches D. All of the above
22. In general, it is best to A. Encourage a believer to witness to his own family B. Encourage a believer to avoid witnessing to his family and closest friends C. Encourage a believer to leave witnessing to the church leadership D. None of the above
23. According to Garrison, rapid growth of the church may occur in A. Places where the church is persecuted B. Places where there are many material resources for funding church starts C. Places where there are few large communities D. None of the above
24. Successful church planting movements should A. Proceed in a sequential way-evangelizing, discipling, then reproducing B. Encourage new church planting from the beginning-not in a sequential way C. Train only one leader from each cell group D. None of the above
25. Asking the question, "Lord, Whatsit going to take to get the job done" is important A. Because it points to one's need to seek God's help in missions B. Because it encourages a missionary to seethe big picture in missions Page 3 of Messianic Prophecy Exam

C. Because it encourages a missionary to partner with others in missions D. All of the above
1. ADD. CDC. BA. CC. BC. B
14. DD. DB. CD. DD. AA. B
25. D
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