(2) assess the quality of their pre-job safety meetings, (3) identify
specific areas for improvement, and (4) provide feedback for timely improvements to meeting protocol. The
SMQM intervention model was designed similar to the continuous Deming cycle of process and/or system improvement (Swamidass 2002). Because the SMQM was based on the idea of continuous improvement, it is expected to help crews reach higher levels of maturity through subsequent iterations of using and responding to the model. The SMQM model is organized into the following three sections according to the Plan-Do-Assess-Adjust progression
of hazard management • Plan describes how to identify basic job tasks and decompose into basic, manageable steps and facilitates hazard identification and management.
• Do describes
the location of the meeting, the role played by the supervisor and the crew members to ensure that hazards are sufficiently identified and communicated, and the course of action to be followed to document hazards.
• Assess and adjust describes the revision of hazard information based on any significant change in the work or environmental conditions that were not anticipated during the initial meeting and provides an opportunity to the work-crew to evaluate their performance in hazard recognition and communication. In order
to measure maturity levels, each major section of SMQM has subsections with three specific levels of maturity (least mature, less mature, and mature. Through the repeated implementation of the strategy a crew performing at the least mature level could gradually improve to the less mature level and eventually reach the mature level of performance.