4 sessions with the expert panel and questionnaire surveys.
Once developed, these strategies were tested with active crew members using a multiple baseline testing approach.
RESEARCH METHOD OVERVIEW The research study was segregated into four phases as shown in Figure 1. The complete study is schematically detailed in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Phases of the study Phase 1: Selection of Potential Hazard Recognition Strategies The objective of this phase was to catalogue a comprehensive list of hazard recognition strategies that can improve situational awareness and the proportion of hazards identified and managed. In order to accomplish this, a review of relevant scholarly papers,
professional reports, safety reports and other publications pertaining to manufacturing, chemical,
aviation, and other industries was conducted. The initial list was then complemented by active brainstorming sessions with a panel of 14 construction safety domain experts. The expert panel used their collective experience to brainstorm potential new strategies that may transform the ways hazards are recognized and managed in practice. Team members were encouraged to think outside the box and devise new mechanisms, simulations,
training, and activities for the purposes of hazard recognition.
5 Finally, in a two day face-to-face meeting with the expert panel, 3 highly effective hazard recognition strategies were shortlisted using the NGT (Nominal group technique) facilitated by pre-established selection criteria. In order to facilitate the efficient implementation of the nominal group technique, a Group Decision Support System (GDSS), Grouputer and a professional meeting facilitator was employed.
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