35 5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for cellular networks that provides higher bandwidth and faster speeds than the predecessor technology (4G). 36 RPAS: Remotely Piloted Aircraft System 37 RANSOMWARE is a type of cyber attack that threatens to publish the victim’s data or permanently block access to them (usually through the encryption of the victim’s files) if the victim does not agree to pay a ransom. 38 WEBSITE DEFACEMENT is a cyber attack designed to change the visual appearance of a website. 39 ByOD (Bring your Own Device is the authorization to use your own humanl device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) for professional issues. 40 https://www.ccn-cert.cni.es/informes/informes-ccn-cert-publicos/4041-ccn-cert-ia-13-19-threats- and-trends-report-executive-summary/file.html. 41 https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/enisa-threat-landscape-report-2018 42 https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-03-05-gartner-identifies-the-top-seven- security-and-risk-ma 43 https://www.checkpoint.com/downloads/resources/cyber attack-trends-mid-year-report-2019.pdf 44 https://www.fireeye.com/current-threats/annual-threat-report/mtrends.html 45 https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/secure-futures-magazine/2020-cybersecurity-predictions/32068/ 46 CRYPTOMINING is a cyber attack designed to compromise the idle processing of a victim’s device and use it to mine cryptocurrency without their consent. 47 DNS ATTACK is an attack targeting the availability or stability of a network’s DNS service. 48 SANDBOXING is a technology designed to execute untested or unreliable computer programs or codes in isolation to protect services or operating systems. 49 https://attack.mitre.org/ 50 BOTNET is a network formed by virtually compromised computers (computer robots or bots) that execute tasks autonomously and automatically without the knowledge or consent of their legitimate owners or users.