122 2005) and so forth. Some other scholars have presented their observations on the broad topic discourse and medicine (Ainsworth-Vaughn, 2003;
Fleischman, 2003). Since medical practice involves a lot of interaction between the practitioners, who are the experts
and the non-practitioners, the non-experts, such interactions have relevance for discourse analysts.
Discursive practices, such as turn taking,
turn allocation, elicitation techniques in clinical interviews have revealed a lot about the nature of medical discourse when compared with other forms of discourse. For instance, medical practitioners by virtue of their HIGHER role will dominate any encounter with non- medical people.
3.4 Discourse and Literature Discourse and Literature are allied disciplines in the sense that language is the vehicle for literature and every literary work is seen as a form of discourse. Stylistics is an area of language study where Literature and language meet. Any of the genre of literature is seen as a form of discourse, which can be analyzed using discourse analytic approach.
Critical Linguistics, introduced by Roger Fowler, is a critical. linguistically-oriented examination of literary texts. It was concerned with reading the meanings in texts as the realization
of social processes, seeing texts as functioning ideologically and politically in relation to their contexts.
Self-assessed Exercises Explain how Philosophy is related to Discourse.
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