NCEOTest of Emerging Academic English (TEAE). Student M had scored at level 3 of 4 levels on the TEAE Reading Test on her most recent attempt in the previous school year. Teacher records indicated that her independent reading level was tested at 2.5 (equivalent to a student who has been in second grade for five months. Her scores on the statewide content assessment of basic skills
at the time of the study were Reading Year 1: 205 (state average 244.3),
Year 2: 237 (state average 247.9)
Writing Year 1: 21 (state average 23.4),
Year 2: 19 (state average 23.8).
Math Year 1: not available,
Year 2: 25/75 or scale score of 514 (state average This student demonstrated low performance on all types of mathematics items except Shape & Space where she had correct answers for 6 of 7 possible items. The student was deemed by her teacher as a quiet and cooperative personality willing to work on improving her mathematics skills in this study. Student Twas a 13 year old Mexican-American girl in the 6th grade. Her oral English proficiency using the Language Assessment Scales-Oral (LAS-O, Duncan & DeAvila, 1990) was measured as fluent in Spanish (LAS 5) and proficient in English (LAS 4). She demonstrated intermediate reading skills on the state-developed English Reading Proficiency Test (RPTE). As a sixth grader, her English reading scores on the State Developed
Alternattive Assessment II (SDAA II) were measured at the 4th grade level. Her mathematics scores (SDAA II) also placed her at the 4th grade level fully 2 years below expected grade level at the time of testing.
Student Twas a 13 year old Mexican-American girl in the 6th grade. Her oral proficiency using the LAS-O was measured as fluent in Spanish (LAS 5) and proficient in English (LAS 4). Her English reading proficiency test scores (RTPE) were at the intermediate range of proficiency for her grade level. As a sixth grader, her reading scores on the State Developed Alternative Assessment (SDAA II) were assessed at the third grade level. Student Ts mathematics scores
(SDAA II) were also assessed at the third grade level fully 3 years below expected grade level at the time of testing.
Student Twas a 12 year old Mexican-American girl in the 6th grade. Her oral proficiency using the LAS-O was measured as proficient in Spanish (LAS 4). She was found to have beginning proficiency in both spoken English (LAS 1) and reading English (Beginning level, RPTE). This student took the regular state content assessment (TAKS) in reading and her score did not meet the standard according to Texas Education Agency specifications. Student Ts mathematics score (TAKS) also received a designation of did not meet the standard.”