Initiation Into Hermetics

The Influence Through the Water Element (Mixture)

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3. The Influence Through the Water Element (Mixture)

Take a new beaker, glass dish or vase and go to running water (a spring or rive). Try not to be watched while you are performing this experiment. Fill the container with water and pour into it a few drops of the fluid condenser responsive to the water element. In an emergency, take a universal fluid condenser. Now perform the wish-impregnation, proceeding in exactly the same manner as with the previous element. As soon as the water is prepared as described and satisfactorily loaded, throw the impregnated water ecstatically into the river and give the respective order, which will be fulfilled promptly by the most subtle particles of the water element. If the person who is to be influenced comes in contact with the water element in one way or another, for example by washing, drinking, rain, etc., the water element immediately will become active and release the effect that has been required. This example ought to be sufficient, and based on it the magician can compose several individual methods that will be just as effective as this one.
4. Influence Through the Earth Element (Decomposition)

When working with this element, it can be done in two different ways:
1. Exactly in the same way as in the previous experiment, by taking some water from a river or rainwater (tap water should not be used) to which one adds some of the fluid condenser

corresponding to the earth element. One can use a universal condenser too. It is also possible to work with the fluid condenser alone without diluting it with water, by throwing the impregnated liquid together with the solid concentration into the earth instead of into the water. The reason is that the earth is sucking in the liquid, and thus the earth element produces the required effect. Do not use dirt from a road where other people are walking, but rather the solitude of a spot in the garden or a field. If you have none of these possibilities in a city, then a flowerpot with some new potting soil will do as well.
2. Take an apple, a pear, or better yet a potato, and make a hole in it with a knife. Pour a bit of fluid condenser corresponding to the earth element, or a universal condenser, into the hole.
Now load the potato with the desire-impregnation. Afterwards bury the potato in the ground.
Each manipulation requires the concentrated meditation that the earth element will produce the effect you wish to obtain.
To this series also belong the sympathetic and the mummial magic, the so-called transplantation. In this case, one does not work with fluid condensers but with mummies;
these are constituent parts of the body such as hair, nails, perspiration, urine, etc. I am not going to describe this lower kind of magic in detail, because every magician can compose these practices by himself if he wishes to follow them.
These two examples should be sufficient to illustrate the influence of the earth element.
Following these instructions, the magician can work out various methods and his intuition will inspire him to do the right thing. As one can see in the light of these examples, the magician’s trained willpower remains the decisive factor that is moving the universal elements to produce the desired effect with the help of the imagination. He can repeat the operations optionally until the success has been achieved. The magician can undertake these experiments for himself for the sake of self-influencing. There is another kind of self-influencing where the beings of the elements, the so-called salamanders, fairies,
mermaids and gobbling execute the required effect with the help of the elements. I will publish the way of summoning forth these beings, making them visible and useful to the magician in my second work, The Practice of Magical Evocation.

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